Fakulti Farmasi | Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM

 Menerajui Farmasi Untuk Kesihatan | Advancing Pharmacy For Health

Home Medicines Review (HMR)

Home Medicines Review (HMR) is a program conducted by the pharmacy lecturer and students via home visit to ensure the safety use of medicines at home especially among chronic disease patients. The usage of multiple medications, patient’s health literacy and communication between patients and healthcare professionals may affect their understanding on medication taking. Therefore, the Faculty of Pharmacy UKM has introduced the HMR activity as part of the undergraduate students’ community outreach program in Operasi Khidmat Masyarakat (OPKIM) since 2015 at the Felda settlement in various states in Malaysia and implemented as the final year compulsory clerkship activity since 2018 at the Klang Valley. Appropriate interventions were carried out including counselling, providing educational materials to the patients, rearranging patients’ medicines, disposal of expired medicines and referral letters for patients who need urgent review for their treatment. It is hoped that this program will benefit the community by improving their knowledge and  medications handling at home.