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About Us

Pusat IDEA UKM is a strategic office of Research and Innovation of UKM. In addition to being a reference expert, the Research Cluster is also tasked to design strategies and strengthen the UKM research ecosystem in a more orderly, efficient and systematic manner.

In addition, this Research Cluster will also enhance and strengthen collaborative relationships in domestic and foreign research through benchmarking programs with renowned universities. All this will only be achieved with the strong involvement and support of all UKM researchers whether famous researchers or young researchers.

Dana Cabaran Perdana (DCP)

IDEA UKM has offered a total of 127 research projects with a total fund of RM11.5 million excluding contributions of RM1.2 million from stakeholders.

Geran Penyelidikan Khas (GPK)

Geran Penyelidikan Khas (GPK) Top Down adalah merupakan satu projek penyelidikan bersifat quick win menerusi platform Kluster Penyelidikan UKM. Sebanyak 26 buah projek telah diberi kepercayaan menjalankan penyelidikan tersebut dengan agihan sebanyak RM 923,388.00.

Geran Translasi UKM (TR-UKM)

Geran Translasi UKM (TR-UKM) has approved 24 research projects in 2021 with the approval of RM 1.89 million fund distribution with RM 69,000 matching funds from the industry