Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics

 Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics

Book & Bookchapter 2011

Biomimetics – its technological and societal potential. 
Stachelberger H., Gruber P. and Gebeshuber I.C.,
Bab 1, pp. 1-6., Biomimetics – Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies Series. Springer Verlags 

Biomimetics in Tribology. 
Gebeshuber I.C., Majlis B.Y. and Stachelberger H.,
Bab 3, ms. 25-50., Biomimetics – Materials, Structures and Processes. Examples, Ideas and Case Studies Series., Springer Verlags 

Algae biofuel
Gebeshuber I.C., Gordon R. and Macqueen M.O.,
The SAGE Reference Series on Green Society. Bab 3, ms. 7-10., Green Technology: An A-to-Z Guide, Sage Publication, CA, USA.

Bacilli, green algae, diatoms and red blood cells – how nano-biotechnological research inspires architecture.
Gebeshuber I.C., Aumayr M., Hekele O., Sommer R., Goesselsberger C.G., Gruenberger C., Gruber P., Borowan E., Rosic A. & Aumayr F.,
Bab 10, ms. 265-300., Diatoms: Ecology and Life Cycle, Nova Science Publishers (Hauppauge, New York)

Modeling and optimization of three-dimensional interdigitated lateral PIN photodiodes based on In(0.53)Ga(0.47)As absorbers for optical communications
P. S. Menon, Abang Annuar Ehsan, Sahbudin Shaari ,
in the book “Advances in Photodiodes”

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