Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law

No eISSN: 0127-788X

2018 3(1)

1 JUNE 2018

Keadilan Restoratif dan Retributif dalam Syariah dan di Malaysia: Satu Sorotan
Restorative and Retributive Justice in Shariah and in Malaysia: A Review

Ramizah Binti Wan Muhammad,
Department of Islamic Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia.
Received: 9 January 2018 | Accepted: 28 February 2018 | Published: 1 June 2018

2018, Vol. 3(1), pp. 35-41.  |  PDF

Hukuman dalam Islam terbahagi kepada dua iaitu hukumanetributif dan hukuman restoratif. Hukuman yang sering diperkatakan ialah bersifat retributif iaitu bersifat menghukum pesalah di atas kesalahan beliau yang lalu. Manakala hukuman restoratif pula membawa maksud hukuman yang bersifat memulih tetapi tidak begitu popular dalam undang-undang Islam di Malaysia. Makalah ini akan membincangkan tentang konsep, sifat dan objektif kedua-dua jenis hukuman ini. Selain itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbezaan dan kesinambungan yang ada pada kedua-dua jenis hukuman yang disebutkan di atas. Nas-nas syariah telah jelas menunjukkan bahawa hukuman restoratif dan retributif wujud dalam Islam. Malah pada satu tahap, boleh dilihat bahawa Islam itu sendiri banyak mengesyorkan untuk kita memilih hukuman restoratif berbanding hukuman retributif. Beberapa kes yang telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia juga bertujuan untuk melihat sejauhmanakah pelakasanaan hukuman restoratif dikenakan ke atas tertuduh. Makalah ini juga membincangkan sejauhmana kedua-dua hukuman ini dilaksanakan di Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia. Rujukan juga akan dibuat ke atas beberapa undang-undang Islam yang terpakai di Malaysia seperti Undang-undang Tatacara Jenayah, Undang-undang Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah dan tidak ketinggalan juga Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidangkuasa Jenayah) 1965 [Akta 355]. Cadangan untuk meminda Akta 355 sangat dialu-alukan agar hukuman ke atas pesalah jenayah syariah bukan hanya bersifat retributif tetapi juga bersifat restoratif.

 Kata Kunci: Syariah, Restoratif, Retributif, Jenayah, Malaysia


Punishment in Islam is categorised into two, namely in forms of restorative and retributive. The punishment most commonly adopt is retributive, whereby it is punishing the offender for his past committed offences. Meanwhile, restrorative is the punishent that is rehibiliting in nature but quite unpopular in Islamic law in Malaysia. This study aims to discuss on the concept, nature and objective of these two forms of punishment. Furthermore, this study aims to identify the differences and similarities between these two forms of punishnmet. The shariah provision clearly shows that the restorative and retributive punishment exists in Islam. Even in one stage, it is seen that Islam itself encourages us to choose restorative instead of retributive punishment. A few cases have been decided by the Shariah Court in Malaysia that aims to study the extent of implimentation of restorative punishment imposed to the offender. Moreover, this study discusses the extent of both forms of punishment as adopted by the Shariah Court in Malaysia. References also are made towards a few aaplicable Islamic law  in Malaysia such as the Criminal Procedural Law, Shariah Criminal Procedural Law and also Act of Shariah Court (Criminal Jurisdiction) 1965 Act 355.  Suggestions to ammend Act 355 is utmost welcomed to ensure the punishment imposed on the criminal shariah offenders is not only retributive in nature, but also restorative.

 Keywords: Shariah, Restorative, Retrbutive, Crime, Malaysia

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