Previously, Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia (JITM) is published annually.Currently, JITM is published bi-annually (the month of June and December of each year). The journal consists of articles, pertaining to Information and Communication Technology in the fields such as Computer Science, Information Science, Software Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Multimedia Applications, Knowledge Management, Numerical Computing, Information Technology Policies and Strategies and other related areas.

Primary purpose of this journal is to act as a channel for the publication of research work undertaken by researchers both within and outside the country. Articles can be submitted both in Malay and English Language.

Articles in Journal of Information Technoloy and Multimedia are indexed and abstracted in Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System(MyAIS)

Artikel-artikel yang terdapat pada Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat dan Multimedia telah diabstrak dan diindeks di dalam Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System(MyAIS)


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