Journal of Information Technology & Multimedia [ Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat & Multimedia ] is published annually containing articles on Information & Communication Technology and Multimedia areas such as Computer Science, Information Science, Software Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Multimedia Applications, Knowledge Management, Numerical Computing, Information Technology Policies and Strategies and other related areas.

The primary purpose of this journal is to act as a channel for the publication of research work undertaken by researchers both within and outside the country.


Contributions to the journal should be based on original research in the above stated areas. The primary language of publication is Malay Language, but contribution in English is also accepted. Contributions should be accompanied by abstracts in both languages. However, contribution in English by foreign writers need not be accompanied by Malay Language abstract.

Journal of Information Technology & Multimedia aims to be an academic journal. Contributors are therefore encouraged to submit original articles which deal with current and specific aspects of information science and technology.


All manuscripts must be written using the format determined by the Editorial Board. Click here to view the manuscript format and the bibliographical references format of the manuscript. Contributors may as well download the template as guidance to ease the process of writing a manuscript.

Contributors must note that the written manuscript should not exceed 20 pages (minimum 10 pages), typed in 12-point Times New Roman. Contribution should be submitted in Microsoft Word for Windows format using single spacing on single side throughout and leaving adequate margins on all four sides of the A4 sized paper. Pages should be consecutively numbered.

All manuscripts should be accompanied by Malay and English abstracts of up to 150 words each. Manuscripts written in Malay Language must be accompanied with English abstract and vice versa (foreign writers are excepted).

Writers are expected to check their work carefully before submitting, particularly with respect to factual accuracy, completeness and consistency. Acronyms and abbreviations should be used sparingly; where they are unavoidable, they should be spelled out in full the first time they are used.


Contributors are encouraged to submit photographs and other illustrations to accompany articles in ‘jpeg’ or ‘gif’ format. All illustrative materials should be clearly captioned and credited to the originator. Responsibility for obtaining copyright clearance for the publications of such material rests with the contributors.

Statistical data could be presented in the form such as graph, table and chart on separate sheets drawn to a standard suitable for publication without further treatment. Graph and diagram should be drawn in black ink in a form suitable for reproduction.


Starting from January 2005, all new manuscripts must be submitted via online. Please refer to "Submission Procedure" section for more details.


The editor’s decision with regard to publication of any item is final. A paper is accepted on the understanding that it is an original piece of work which has not been accepted for publication elsewhere.

On acceptance of a manuscript for publication, it is understood that the author(s) is willing to transfer the copyright to the publisher [Penerbit UKM].

Contributors will receive one complimentary copy of the issue in which their work appears.