Sains Malaysiana 37(1): 51-57(2008)


Penggunaan Jaringan Neural Tiruan untuk Analisis Kuantitatif

Ion Al(III) Berasaskan Pengecaman Corak Spektrum Serapan

(Quantitative Analysis of Al(III) Ion Using Artificial Neural

Network Based on Pattern Recognition)


BabTan Ling Ling & Musa Ahmad

Pusat Pengajian Sains Kimia & Teknologi Makanan

Fakulti Sains & Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia


Diserahkan: 15 Februari 2007 / Diterima : 16 April 2007 



Analisis kuantitatif telah dilakukan untuk menentukan kepekatan ion aluminium (Al3+) dalam larutan dengan menggunakan kaedah spektrofotometri UL-Nampak dan jaringan neural tiruan (ANN). Reagen morin telah digunakan untuk membentuk kompleks morin-Al(III). Pencirian terhadap reagen dalam larutan termasuk analisis kestabilan foto reagen, kesan pH, kesan kepekatan, masa rangsangan, julat kepekatan dinamik dan kebolehulangan telah dilakukan. Penggunaan ANN telah berupaya memanjangkan julat kepekatan dinamik ion Al3+ sehingga julat kepekatan 1-13 ppm. 


Kata kunci: Aluminium; jaringan neural tiruan; morin 


A quantitative analysis has been conducted to determine the concentrations of aluminium ion (Al3+) in solution by using UV-Visible spectrophotometry method and artificial neural network (ANN). Morin reagent was used to form morin-Al(III) complex. The characterisations of reagent in solution such as photostability, pH effect, reagent concentration, response time, dynamic ranges and repeatability were conducted. The use of ANN was able to extend the dynamic concentration range of Al3+ ion to 1 – 13 ppm.


Keywords: Aluminium; artificial neural network; morin





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