Sains Malaysiana 38(2): 271-279 (2009)


Keberkesanan Ekstrak Hylocereus polyrhizus Merendahkan Lipid Serum dan

Aras MDA-TBAR Hati Tikus Teraruh Hiperkolesterolemia

(Effectiveness of Hylocereus polyrhizus Extract in Decreasing Serum

Lipids and Liver MDA-TBAR Level in Hypercholesterolemic Rats)



Halimah Abdullah Sani, Asmazila Baharoom, Muhammad Azam Ahmad

& Isma Illyani Ismail

Pusat Pengajian Biosains dan Bioteknologi, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi

Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia



Diserahkan: 23 Mei 2008 / Diterima: 17 Julai 2008




Hiperkolesterolemia merupakan suatu keadaan yang dikaitkan dengan perubahan aras lipid serum serta peningkatan aras peroksidaan lipid. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk melihat kesan ekstrak akues isi dan kulit buah Hylocereus polyrhizus (HP) terhadap jumlah kolesterol dan trigliserid (TG) serum serta aras malonaldehid (MDA-TBAR) hati tikus teraruh hiperkolesterolemia. Tikus Sprague dawley jantan diaruh menjadi hiperkolesterolemia dengan pemberian diet rat chow bersama 15% minyak sapi selama 8 minggu dan 0.02 g kolesterol secara suap paksa dua kali seminggu. Tikus-tikus diberi perlakuan ekstrak isi dan kulit buah HP, 300 mg/kg secara suap paksa selama 10 hari. Hasil menunjukkan aras kolesterol menurun secara signifikan (p<0.05) pada kedua-dua kumpulan hiperkolesterolemia yang diberi rawatan ekstrak isi dan kulit buah HP sebanyak 43.53% dan 51.36% berbanding tikus kawalan hiperkolesterolemia. Aras TG menunjukkan penurunan secara signifikan (p<0.05) sebanyak 38.0% bagi kumpulan tikus yang diberi rawatan ekstrak isi dan 42.98% bagi rawatan dengan ekstrak kulit buah HP. Peningkatan aras MDA-TBAR hati telah direncat dengan penurunan aras MDA-TBAR sebanyak 56.85% bagi kumpulan tikus yang diberi ekstrak kulit serta sedikit penurunan iaitu 10.27% bagi tikus yang diberi ekstrak isi berbanding tikus kawalan hiperkolesterolemia. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua ekstrak akues isi dan kulit buah HP merendahkan aras lipid serum serta aras MDA-TBAR hati pada tikus teraruh hiperkolesterolemia. Walau bagaimanapun, kesan ekstrak kulit lebih jelas berbanding ekstrak isi yang mungkin disebabkan oleh kandungan betasianin yang lebih tinggi dalam kulit berbanding isi buah HP.


Kata kunci : Hylocereus polyrhizus; hiperkolesterolemia; lipid serum; malonaldehid,  tikus Sprague dawley




Hypercholesterolemia is often associated with changes in lipid profile and an increase in lipid peroxidation level. In this study, the effects of peel and flesh aqueous extracts of Hylocereus polyrhizus (HP) fruit on serum total cholesterol and triglyceride (TG) and liver malondialdehyde (MDA-TBAR) levels in hypercholesterolemic rats were evaluated. Male Sprague dawley rats were induced into hypercholesterolemia by giving rat chow diet plus 15% pure ghee for 8 weeks and forced-fed with 0.02 g cholesterol in 0.5 ml ghee twice a week. Rats were then treated with 300 mg/kg (body weight) of peel and flesh extracts of H. polyrhizus fruit via force feeding for 10 days. The results show that total cholesterol level was reduced significantly (p<0.05) in both hypercholesterolemic groups treated with peel and flesh extracts by 51.36% and 43.53% respectively. The TG level showed a reduction by 42.98% in peel extract treated group and 38.0% in rats treated flesh extract. The increase in liver MDA-TBAR level was inhibited by 56.85% in group treated with peel extract (p<0.05) whereas the flesh extract only caused a slight decrease by 10.27% compared to the untreated diabetic group. In this study, the peel aqueous extract of H. polyrhizus showed a greater effect than the flesh extract. This could be due to the higher content of antioxidant betacyanin in the fruit peel than in the flesh. Hylocereus polyrhizus aqueous extract have the potential in lowering the lipid profile and liver MDA-TBAR level in hypercholesterolemic rats.


Keywords : Hylocereus polyrhizus; hypercholesterolemic; serum lipid; malondialdehyde; Sprague dawley rats





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