Sains Malaysiana 41(12)(2012): 1509–1515


Harmful Algal Blooms in Malaysian Waters

(Ledakan Alga Berbahaya di Perairan Malaysia)


Lim Po Teen*

Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia


Usup Gires

Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi

Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Leaw Chui Pin

Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia


Received: 21 June 2010 / Accepted: 5 March 2012




Harmful algal blooms (HABs) events have been increasingly reported in the country, not only of the frequency and severity of the events, but also involved more species than previously known. In this paper, a decadal review of HABs events in Malaysia is summarized. Bloom events caused by harmful dinoflagellate species including the shellfish poisoning events were highlighted. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is no longer restricted to Sabah coasts and Pyrodnium bahamense. Bloom of Alexandrium minutum was reported for the first time in the Peninsula with six persons hospitalized including one casualty after consuming the contaminated benthic clams. Algal blooms that are associated with incidence of massive fish kills have been reported from both east and west coasts of the Peninsula in conjunction to finfish mariculture loses. The culprits of these bloom events have been identified as the dinoflagellates, Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Neoceratium furca, Prorocentrum minimum, Noctiluca scintillans and a raphidophyte, Chatonella ovata. In this paper, some of these HABs species were characterized morphologically and genetically, including their toxicity. Therefore, with the increase of coastal utilization and eutrophication, prevention, management and mitigation strategies, such as site selection, moving pens, clay spraying should be adopted to minimize the impact of these natural events.


Keywords: Diatom; dinoflagellates; harmful algal blooms; Malaysia; mitigation



Laporan kejadian ledakan alga berbahaya (HAB) yang kian meningkat bukan sahaja daripada segi kekerapan kejadian, tetapi juga melibatkan lebih banyak spesies yang tidak diketahui sebelumnya. Dalam kertas ini, pelbagai kejadian HAB pada dekad yang lepas telah dirumuskan. Kejadian ledakan akibat dinoflagelat yang berbahaya dan keracunan kerang-kerangan juga dititik beratkan. Keracunan kerang-kerangan yang melumpuhkan (PSP) tidak lagi tertumpu hanya pada perairan Sabah danPyrodinium bahamense. Ledakan Alexandrium minutum telah dilaporkan untuk kali pertama di perairan Semenanjung dan menyebabkan enam  mangsa keracunan akibat termakan lokan tercemar. Satu kes kematian direkodkan. Ledakan alga juga menyebabkan kejadian kematian ikan secara besar-besaran dan kerugian marikultur di perairan timur dan barat Semenanjung. Organisma penyebab kejadian tersebut telah dikenal pasti sebagai dinoflagelat; Chlocodinium polykrikoides, Prorocentrum minimum dan Noctiluca scintillans serta satu rafidofit; Chatonella ovata. Sebahagian daripada spesies HAB tersebut telah dikenal pasti secara morfologi, genetik dan toksisiti. Oleh itu, dengan peningkatan penggunaan perairan pantai dan proses eutrofikasi, strategi pencegahan, pengurusan dan mitigasi seperti pemilihan lokasi, pemindahan sangkar, penyemburan tanah liat harus diguna pakai dalam usaha meminimumkan impak kejadian semula jadi ini.


Kata kunci: Diatom; dinoflagelat; ledakan alga berbahaya; Malaysia; mitigasi



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