Sains Malaysiana 42(5)(2013): 597–603


Distributions of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Different Tissues

of the Mangrove Snail Nerita lineata

(Taburan Kepekatan Logam Berat dalam Tisu yang Berlainan bagi Siput Bakau Nerita lineata)



C.K. Yap* & W.H. Cheng

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia

43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia


Received: 12 March 2012/Accepted: 17 October 2012



This study focused on the distributions of Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the various tissues (shell, operculum, muscle, digestive cecum, foot, cephalic tentacles, mantle, radular and remainder) of the mangrove snail Nerita lineata collected from Sungai Janggut, Selangor. Copper and Zn levels in all soft tissues were found to exceed those in the sediment, indicating bioaccumulation of these metals. Fe levels in all soft tissues of the snails were found to be lower than those in the sediment even though Fe is the most abundant metal among the six metals investigated. Cd and Pb levels in soft tissues were also found to be lower than those in the sediment but opposite trends were observed for Cd and Pb levels in the shells. Ni, Cd and Pb levels in the shells were significantly (p< 0.05) higher than those in the soft tissues and sediment. However, digestive cecum and remainder showed higher Ni level as compared with sediment. The biota sediments accumulation factor (BSAF) has identified that the shell and operculum were macroconcentrators for Cd, Ni and Pb while all the soft tissues of N. lineata were macroconcentrators for Cu (except for muscle) and Zn. The findings indicated that the differences in metal distribution could be attributed to the differences in tissue physiology and metal handling, storage and detoxification strategies.


Keywords: Different tissues; metal distribution; Nerita lineata



Kajian ini memfokus kepada taburan Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb dan Zn di dalam tisu berlainan (cangkerang, operkulum, otot, sekum pencernaan, kaki, tentakel, mantel, radula dan tinggalan) bagi siput bakau Nerita lineata yang disampel dari Sungai Janggut, Selangor. Aras Cu dan Zn dalam semua tisu lembut didapati melebihi aras di sedimen, menunjukkan berlakunya biopenimbunan logam tersebut. Aras Fe dalam semua tisu lembut didapati lebih rendah daripada aras di sedimen walaupun Fe adalah logam paling banyak antara enam logam yang dikaji. Aras Cd dan Pb dalam tisu lembut pula didapati rendah daripada aras pada sedimen, namun trend yang berlawanan diperhatikan bagi Cd dan Pb dalam cengkerang. Tahap Ni, Cd dan Pb di dalam cangkerang adalah lebih tinggi secara signifikan (p< 0.05) daripada tahap di tisu lembut yang berlainan dan sedimen. Namun, sekum pencernaan dan tinggalan menunjukkan kepekatan Ni yang lebih tinggi berbanding sedimen. Faktor akumulasi biota sedimen (BSAF) telah menunjukkan bahawa cengkerang dan operkulum ialah makrokonsentrator bagi Cd, Ni dan Pb manakala tisu lembut ialah makrokonsentrators bagi Cu (kecuali otot) dan Zn. Penemuan di atas menunjukkan bahawa perbezaan taburan logam mungkin disebabkan oleh perbezaan fisiologi tisu, strategi pengendalian logam serta penyimpanan dan mekanisme detoksifikasi yang berlainan antara tisu-tisu tersebut.


Kata kunci: Nerita lineata; pelbagai tisu; taburan logam



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