Sains Malaysiana 43(12)(2014): 1883–1887


Quantitative HPLC Analysis of Gallic Acid in Benincasa hispida Effect of Different

Cations in Pickling Solution on FTIR Characteristics of Pidan White and Yolk in

Comparison to the Fresh Duck Egg

(Kesan Kation Berbeza dalam Larutan Jeruk ke atas Ciri FTIR Putih dan Kuning Pidan

Berbanding Telur Itik Segar)





1Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Food Science and Technology

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia


2Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla University

Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90112, Thailand


Received: 25 September 2013/Accepted: 2 May 2014



Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) study of pidan white and yolk treated with different cations were investigated in comparison to the fresh duck egg. FTIR study of PbO2 and ZnCl2 treated pidan white and yolk at a level of 2 g kg−1 had different spectra to those of fresh egg. The amide B with wavenumbers of 3083 and 3084 cm-1 was observed for fresh and PbO2 treated pidan white at a level of 2 g kg-1. Higher wavenumber of 3084 cm-1 was noticeable for PbO2 treated pidan white at a level of 2 g kg-1. Scanning electron microscopic study showed that the more ordered network was found in PbO2 treated pidan white at a level of 2 g kg−1, compared with ZnCl2 treated counterpart. Thus cations in the pickling solution affected the FTIR characterestics of pidan white and yolk.


Keywords: CLSM; FTIR; pidan; SEM



Penyelidikan transformasi Fourier inframerah (FTIR) putih dan kuning pidan yang dirawat dengan kation berbeza berbanding telur itik segar dikaji. Kajian FTIR PbO2 dan ZnCl2 putih dan kuning pidan pada tahap 2 g kg-1 mempunyai bilangan spektra yang berbeza dengan telur segar. Amida B dengan gelombang nombor 3083 dan 3084 cm-1 diperhatikan pada PbO2 putih pidan yang dirawat pada tahap 2 g kg-1. Gelombang nombor yang lebih tinggi daripada 3084-1 adalah ketara bagi putih pidan dirawat dengan PbO2 pada tahap 2 g kg-1. Kajian imbasan elektron microskopi menunjukkan bahawa rangkaian lebih tersusun dilihat pada putih pidan PbO2 yang dirawat pada tahap 2 g kg−1, berbanding dengan yang dirawat oleh ZnCl2. Oleh itu kation dalam larutan jeruk memberi kesan kepada ciri FTIR putih dan kuning pidan.


Kata kunci: CLSM; FTIR; pidan; SEM


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