Sains Malaysiana 43(7)(2014): 967–971


Feed Intake and Growth Performance of Goats Offered Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) Supplemented with Concentrate Pellet and Soya Waste

(Prestasi Pengambilan dan Pertumbuhan Kambing yang Diberi Rumput Napier

(Pennisetum purpureum) Ditambah dengan Pati Pelet dan Sisa Soya)






1Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya

50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


2Frontier Science Research Centre, University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki Shi 889-2192, Japan


Received: 24 June 2013/Accepted: 10 September 2013




The experiment was conducted to determine the feed intake and body weight (BW) change of Boer goats supplemented with a commercial concentrate pellet and combinations of concentrate and soya waste. Twelve male goats were divided into three groups. Each group was randomly allocated to each of the three treatment diets: Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) ad libitum and concentrate pellet at rate of 2.0% of BW, daily (T1); Napier grass ad libitum and concentrate pellet at rate of 1.4% of BW and soya waste at rate of 0.5% of BW, daily (T2) and Napier grass ad libitum and concentrate pellet at rate of 0.9% of BW and soya waste at rate of 0.5% of BW, daily (T3). The results indicated that supplementation of concentrate pellet together with soya waste (T2 or T3) significantly (p<0.05) decreased intakes of grass dry matter (DM), total DM and total crude protein compared to the solely concentrate pellet group (T1). However, BW gain was significantly (p<0.05) higher in T2 treatment compared with the T1 or T3 treatments. Supplementation of concentrate pellet with soya waste (T2 or T3) significantly (p<0.05) improved the feed conversion efficiency and reduced the feed cost of goats compared with solely concentrate pellet group (T1). The results indicated that grass intake and feed cost can be reduced by replacing concentrate pellet with soya waste in the diet of goats where soya waste is available.


Keywords: Concentrate; crude protein; feed conversion ratio; soya waste



Satu kajian telah dijalankan untuk menentukan tahap pengambilan makanan dan berat badan (BW) kambing Boer yang digantikan dengan pati pelet komersial serta kombinasi pati pelet dan sisa soya. Dua belas ekor kambing jantan dibahagikan kepada tiga kumpulan. Setiap kumpulan secara rawak diperuntukkan dengan setiap satu daripada tiga rawatan diet. Diet satu ialah daun rumput Napier (Pennisetum purpureum) ad libitum dan pati pelet pada kadar 2.0% daripada BW, setiap hari (T1), Diet 2 ialah rumput Napier ad libitum dan pati pelet pada kadar 1.4% daripada BW dan sisa soya pada kadar 0.5% daripada BW, setiap hari (T2) dan Diet 3 ialah rumput Napier ad libitum dan pati pelet pada kadar 0.9% daripada BW dan sisa soya pada kadar 0.5% daripada BW, setiap hari (T3). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa tambahan pati pelet dengan sisa soya (T2 atau T3) dengan ketara (p< 0.05) menurunkan pengambilan rumput bahan kering (DM), jumlah DM dan jumlah protein kasar berbanding dengan kumpulan yang mengambil pati pelet sahaja (T1). Walau bagaimanapun, kadar BW adalah signifikan (p< 0.05) lebih tinggi dalam rawatan T2 berbanding rawatan T1 atau T3. Tambahan pati pelet dengan sisa soya (T2 atau T3) dengan ketara (p< 0.05) meningkatkan kecekapan penukaran dan mengurangkan kos makanan kambing berbanding dengan kumpulan yang mengambil pati pelet sahaja (T1). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pengambilan rumput dan kos makanan dapat dikurangkan dengan menggantikan pati pelet dengan sisa soya dalam diet kambing.


Kata kunci: Nisbah penukaran makanan; pati; protein kasar; sisa soya



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