Sains Malaysiana 44(1)(2015): 1–6


Diversity, Abundance and Morphological Variations of the Xanthopimpla

 (Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) in Different Forest Habitats

(Variasi Morfologi, Kelimpahan dan Kepelbagaian Xanthopimpla

(Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) di Habitat Hutan Berbeza)




Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi,

Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 4 August 2011/Accepted: 7 November 2014



The diversity and abundance of Xanthopimpla (Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) in the secondary and primary forest of Pasoh Forest Reserve (PFR) were studied. A total of 44 individuals of Xanthopimpla and 16 species were recorded. Fifteen species were recorded from the primary forest and only seven species were recorded from the secondary forest. The X. disjunta, X. guptai maculibasis and X. verrucula verrucula were new records for Malaysia. Meanwhile, X. pleurosticta was new record for Peninsular Malaysia. Shannon Diversity Index (H') indicated that the Xanthopimpla diversity at the primary forest was significantly higher (p<0.001) than the secondary forest in PFR. This suggests that logging activity would cause depletion on insect diversity. In the secondary forest a total of 20 Xanthopimpla individuals were caught, whereas 24 individuals were caught from the primary forest. The individual of Xanthopimpla abundance in primary forest was not significantly (p>0.05) higher than secondary forest. The species domination in the secondary forest was more pronounced compared to the primary forest. In the secondary forests, X. elegans elegans (30.0%) was the highest percentage of total species representation which was higher compared with X. melanacantha melanacantha (16.7%) and X. honorata honorata (16.7%) in the primary forest. This suggests that logging activity would cause disappearance of certain species of Xanthopimpla and at the same time might have provided an opportunity for some species to be dominant over the other species. The evolution of the Xanthopimpla in term of morphological characters changes were also discussed in this paper.


Keywords: Abundance; diversity; evolution; Xanthopimpla




Kelimpahan dan kepelbagaian Xanthopimpla (Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) di hutan primer dan sekunder Hutan Simpan Pasoh (PFR) telah dikaji. Sejumlah 44 individu Xanthopimpla dan 16 spesies telah direkod. Lima belas spesies telah berjaya direkod daripada hutan primer dan hanya tujuh spesies direkod daripada hutan sekunder. Spesies Xanthopimpla disjunta, X. guptai maculibasis dan X. verrucula verrucula adalah rekod baru untuk Malaysia. Manakala, X. pleurostictaadalah rekod baru untuk Semenanjung Malaysia. Indeks Kepelbagaian Shannon (H') menunjukkan kepelbagaian Xanthopimpla di hutan primer adalah lebih tinggi dengan bererti (p<0.001) berbanding hutan sekunder di PFR. Hasil kajian ini mencadangkan aktiviti pembalakan akan memberi kesan kepada pengurangan kepelbagaian serangga. Di hutan sekunder PFR, sejumlah 20 individu Xanthopimpla telah berjaya ditangkap, berbanding 24 individu di hutan primer PFR. Walau pun begitu, perbezeaan ini tidak bererti (p>0.05). Spesies dominan di hutan sekunder adalah lebih nyata berbanding hutan primer. Di hutan sekunder, X. elegans elegans (30.0%) meliputi peratusan kelimpahan tertinggi dan jauh lebih tinggi berbandingX. melanacantha melanacantha (16.7%) dan X. honorata honorata (16.7%) di hutan primer. Hasil kajian ini mencadangkan aktiviti pembalakan berupaya menyebabkan kehilangan spesies serangga tertentu dan pada masa yang sama menyumbang kepada spesies tertentu untuk menjadi dominan. Evolusi Xanthopimpla daripada segi perubahan morfologi juga dibincangkan dalam makalah ini.


Kata kunci: Evolusi; kelimpahan; kepelbagaian; Xanthopimpla



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