Sains Malaysiana 44(2)(2015): 239–247


Construction of a Composite Hospital Admission Index using the Aggregated

Weights of Criteria

(Pembinaan Komposit Indeks Kemasukan Hospital Menggunakan Pemberat Terkumpul Kriteria)





1School of Quantitative Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), 06010 Sintok,

Kedah D.A. Malaysia


2School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor D.E. Malaysia


Received: 19 December 2013/Accepted: 11 August 2014



The issue of age difference in hospital admission should be given special attention since it affects the structure of hospital care and treatments. Patients of different age groups should be given different priority in service provision. Due to crucial time and limited resources, healthcare managers need to make wise decisions in identifying priorities in age of admission. This paper aimed to propose a construction of a daily composite hospital admission index (CHAI) as an indicator that captures relevant information about the overall performance of hospital admission over time. It involves five different age groups of total patients admitted to seven major public hospitals in the Klang Valley, Malaysia for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases for a period of three years, 2008 - 2010. The criteria weights were predetermined by aggregating the subjective weight based on rank ordered centroid (ROC) method and objective weight based on entropy - kernel method. The highest and lowest scores of CHAI were marked, while the groups of patients were prioritized according to the criteria weight ranking orders.


Keywords: Aggregated weight; composite index; entropy; objective and subjective weights



Isu perbezaan umur pesakit bagi kemasukan ke hospital perlu diberi perhatian sewajarnya kerana ia memberi kesan kepada struktur rawatan dan penjagaan di hospital. Pesakit daripada kumpulan umur yang berlainan perlu diberikan perkhidmatan dan kemudahan mengikut keutamaan yang berbeza-beza. Pada waktu yang genting dan sumber yang terhad, pihak pengurusan hospital perlu bijak membuat keputusan dalam mengenal pasti keutamaan setiap kumpulan umur pesakit yang dimasukkan ke hospital. Kertas ini mencadangkan pembinaan komposit indeks kemasukan hospital harian (CHAI) sebagai penunjuk yang memberikan maklumat mengenai prestasi keseluruhan kemasukan hospital dari masa ke masa. Ia melibatkan lima kriteria atau kumpulan umur yang berbeza daripada jumlah keseluruhan pesakit yang dimasukkan ke tujuh hospital awam utama di sekitar Lembah Klang, Malaysia bagi penyakit pernafasan dan kardiovaskular dalam tempoh tiga tahun, 2008 - 2010. Pemberat bagi setiap kriteria ditentukan dengan menggabungkan pemberat subjektif berasaskan kaedah sentroid tertib pangkat (ROC) dan pemberat objektif berasaskan entropi-kernel. Skor tertinggi dan terendah CHAI boleh ditentukan, manakala kumpulan pesakit diutamakan mengikut urutan kedudukan pemberat kriteria.


Kata kunci: Entropi; indeks komposit; pemberat objektif dan subjektif; pemberat terkumpul


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