Sains Malaysiana 44(6)(2015): 905–911


Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties of Paper Coated with Chitosan

(Sifat Mekanik dan Antibakteria bagi Kertas yang Disalut dengan Kitosan)






School of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 16 February 2013/Accepted: 6 March 2015



Recent developments have found the viability of chitosan as a new alternative additive in the pulp and paper technology. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of chitosan as a paper coating which were prepared by dissolution in acetic acid solution. The mechanical properties of coated paper were improved significantly compared with non-coated paper. The FT-IR spectra showed peak evolution at 1558 cm-1 for coated paper due to the existence of amine group. Since FT-IR spectra for the coated paper was almost identical to the chitosan spectrum, it is assumed that there is an obvious physical interaction rather than the chemical interaction. The SEM micrographs showed that some of the chitosan has occupied the pores and some of them adhered only on the surface. This may be due to the chemical similarities between cellulose and chitosan which enhanced the strength of fiber matrixes via hydrogen bonding. The antibacterial property of coated paper showed that chitosan in dried form has no significant effect but effective when applied as wet solution.


Keywords: Antibacterial; chitosan; mechanical properties; paper coating



Perkembangan terkini menunjukkan kesesuaian kitosan sebagai bahan tambah alternatif baru dalam teknologi pulpa dan kertas. Penyelidikan ini mengkaji kesan penyalutan kitosan ke atas kertas yang dilarutkan dalam asid asetik. Sifat mekanik kertas tersalut meningkat dengan ketara berbanding kertas tidak tersalut. Spektrum FT-IR yang diperoleh menunjukkan perbezaan puncak yang jelas antara kertas bersalut dan tanpa salutan pada panjang gelombang 1558 cm-1 yang mengesahkan kehadiran kumpulan amina. Memandangkan spektrum FT-IR yang diperoleh bagi kertas selepas penyalutan menunjukkan profil yang hampir menyerupai spektrum kitosan, maka interaksi yang berlaku diandaikan lebih kepada interaksi fizikal berbanding interaksi kimia. Mikrograf SEM menunjukkan sebahagian daripada kitosan telah mengisi liang-liang pada serabut kertas di samping sebahagiannya lagi berada di bahagian atas permukaan. Ini kerana penyalutan kertas menggunakan kitosan membantu meningkatkan kekuatan ikatan antara serabut dengan serabut pada kertas melalui ikatan hidrogen. Sifat antibakteria kertas tersalut menunjukkan kitosan dalam keadaan kering tiada kesan jelas tetapi efektif apabila dalam larutan basah..


Kata kunci: Antibakteria; kitosan; salutan kertas; sifat mekanik




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