Sains Malaysiana 46(6)(2017): 867–877


Pencirian Sifat Kimia Bahan Tanah pada Cerun Gagal di Sepanjang Jalan Ranau-Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia

(Chemical Properties Characterization of Failed Slopes Along the Ranau-Tambunan Road, Sabah, Malaysia)




1Program Geologi, Pusat Sains Sekitaran dan Sumber Alam, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2Jabatan Geologi, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Negeri di Bawah Bayu, Malaysia


3Institut Alam Sekitar & Pembangunan (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 26 May 2016/Accepted: 6 December 2016



Kawasan kajian yang terletak di kawasan pergunungan pantai barat Sabah sering dikaitkan dengan kejadian tanah runtuh dan kegagalan cerun. Secara geologi, kawasan di sepanjang jalan raya Ranau-Tambunan (RTM) terdiri daripada cerun potongan batuan sedimen arenit daripada Formasi Crocker dan metasedimen argilit daripada Formasi Trusmadi yang telah terluluhawa serta beberapa bahagian yang terdiri daripada endapan Aluvium Kuartener. Pencirian sifat kimia ke atas bahan cerun tanah yang gagal di kawasan tropika, terutama sekali di kawasan kajian jarang dilakukan. Pencirian ini adalah penting kerana bukan ciri fizikal bahan cerun sahaja yang mempengaruhi kejadian tanah runtuh. Oleh itu, kajian ini memberi perhatian utama kepada pencirian sifat kimia dan mineralogi lempung telah dilakukan ke atas cerun-cerun yang gagal di kawasan kajian. Bagi mencapai objektif kajian ini, sebanyak 12 sampel tanah cerun gagal yang terdiri daripada luluhawa gred VI diuji. Analisis inventori cerun gagal menunjukkan terdapat 10 kegagalan cerun tanah (T) dan 8 kegagalan jenis khas (TB) dengan 3 kegagalan cerun dikelaskan berisi padu besar (> 500 m3), 7 cerun berisi padu sederhana (50 - 500 m3) dan 2 kegagalan cerun berisi padu kecil (10 – 50 m3). Analisis kimia menunjukkan kandungan organik tanah (BOT) yang rendah hingga sederhana daripada 3.75%-7.23%, pH tanah dikelaskan sebagai berasid amat tinggi hingga beralkali rendah. Analisis XRD menunjukkan komposisi mineral lempung utama terdiri daripada kaolinit dan ilit dan beberapa mineral lain seperti montmorilonit, haloisit, dickit dan vermikulit. Komposisi mineral bukan lempung utama terdiri daripada kuarza dan muskovit. Hasil kajian menunjukkan wujud perkaitan signifikan antara sifat kimia dan mineralogi tanah daripada segi pertukaran unsur kimia, hubungan air liang dan kekuatan ikatan butiran tanah dalam pembentukan mineral lempung yang menggalakkan berlakunya kegagalan cerun. Oleh itu, pembinaan dan pengurusan kerja-kerja potongan cerun bukan sahaja mengambil kira aspek sifat fizikal dan kejuruteraan tanah malah sifat kimia tanah juga amat penting terutamanya yang melibatkan batuan yang terluluhawa supaya sebarang kegagalan yang melibatkan cerun potongan dapat ditangani sewajarnya.


Kata kunci: Kegagalan cerun; luluhawa; mineral lempung; sifat kimia; Ranau-Tambunan



The study area which is located in the mountainous region of Sabah west coast is often associated with landslide and slope failure.  In terms of geology, the area along the Ranau-Tambunan road (RTM) is consist of arenaceous sedimentary rocks in the Crocker Formation and weathered argiliceous meta-sedimentary rocks in the Trusmadi Formation, as well as deposit of quarternary alluvium in some parts of the study area. Characterization of chemical properties of failed materials in the tropical region, especially in the study area is seldom conducted. This characterization is important because it is not only the physical properties that influence landslide occurrences. Therefore, this study focused on the characterization of chemical characteristic and clay mineralogy on failed slope material in the study area. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, 12 soil samples from failed slopes that were categorized as grade VI in the weathering grade were tested. The inventory analysis on failed slopes showed that there were 10 failed soil slopes (T) and 8 distinctive failed slopes (TB) with 3 failed slopes classified as high volume (>500 m3), 7 moderate volume (50-500 m3) and 2 small volume (10-50 m3). The chemical analysis conducted showed low to moderate organic content (BOT) (3.75%-7.23%) and pH from highly acidic to low alkaline for the failed materials. The XRD analysis showed that the clay compositions were kaolinite, illite and several other minerals such as monmorillonite, halosite, dicktite and vermiculite. The non-clay mineral compositions were quartz and muscovite. The result showed that there is a significant association between chemical characteristics and soil mineralogy in terms of chemical changes, porewater relationship and soil bonding in clay forming minerals that induce slope failure. Therefore, construction and management of slope should not only taking into account the physical aspect and soil engineering of the soil slope, but also the chemical characteristics especially that involve weathered rocks so that any failure on slope cut can be managed appropriately.

Keywords: Clay mineral; chemical characteristic; Ranau-Tambunan; slope failure; weathering


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