Sains Malaysiana 47(1)(2018): 85–89


Captan Utilization by a Soil Bacterium Planomicrobium flavidum Strain EF

(Penggunaan Captan oleh Bakteria Tanah Strain EF Planomicrobium flavidum)




1Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Damanhour University, Damanhour, Egypt


2Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agriculture Research Centre (ARC), Giza, Egypt


Received: 31 January 2017/Accepted: 6 July 2017



The fungicide captan, which is commonly used to control fungal diseases in many plants, causes soil infertility and cancer to human beings. Hence, this fungicide was tested for utilization as a sole carbon source by a newly soil isolate, Planomicrobium flavidum strain EF. This bacterium resists captan up to 2000 ppm and showed higher growth patterns in minimum salt medium supplemented with captan only, if compared with minimum salt medium without captan. Moreover, almost 77.5% of captan has been utilized by Planomicrobiu flavidum after only 2 h of growth under shaking conditions and only 0.8% of the fungicide was remained after 24 h of bacterial growth. Captan residues in both soil samples and minimal salt medium were accurately estimated using GC-ECD (gas chromatography - electron detector) and GC-MS/MS (gas chromatography - mass spectrum) technologies. According to current results, Planomicrobium flavidum strain EF is highly recommended for captan and may be other fungicides bioremediation.


Keywords: Captan; GC-ECD; GC-MS/MS; Planomicrobium flavidum



Racun kulat captan, yang biasanya digunakan untuk kawalan penyakit kulat dalam kebanyakan tumbuhan telah menyebabkan ketidaksuburan tanah dan kanser kepada manusia. Oleh yang demikian, racun kulat ini diuji untuk penggunaan sebagai sumber karbon tunggal melalui pencilan tanah baharu, strain EF Planomicrobium flavidum. Bakteria rintang captan ini sehingga 2000 ppm dan menunjukkan corak pertumbuhan yang lebih tinggi dalam medium garam minimum yang ditambah dengan captan sahaja, jika dibandingkan dengan medium garam minimum tanpa captan. Selain itu, hampir 77.5% daripada captan telah digunakan oleh Planomicrobiu flavidum hanya selepas dua jam pertumbuhan dalam keadaan goncangan dan hanya 0.8% daripada racun kulat ini kekal selepas 24 jam pertumbuhan bakteria. Sisa captan dalam kedua-dua sampel tanah dan medium garam minimum telah dianggarkan secara tepat menggunakan teknologi GC-ECD (kromatografi gas - pengesan elektron) dan GC-MS/MS (gas kromatografi - spektrum jisim). Mengikut keputusan semasa, strain EF Planomicrobium flavidum amat disyorkan sebagai captan dan mungkin sebagai bio pemulihan racun kulat lain.


Kata kunci: Captan; GC-ECD;GC-MS/MS; Planomicrobium flavidum


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