Sains Malaysiana 47(7)(2018): 1557–1562


Macronutrients and Sugar Content in Foods and Beverages from Three Selected Zones in Peninsular Malaysia

(Kandungan Makronutrien dan Gula dalam Makanan dan Minuman dari Tiga Zon Terpilih di Semenanjung Malaysia)





1Nutritional Science Programme, Centre of Healthy Ageing & Wellness, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia


2Dietetics Programme, Centre of Healthy Ageing & Wellness, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur,

Federal Territory, Malaysia


3Cardiovascular, Diabetes & Nutrition Research Centre (CDNRC), Institute for Medical Research, 50588 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia


Received: 5 October 2017/Accepted: 27 February 2018



This study was conducted to determine the content of macronutrients and sugar in 30 types of food selected from three zones in Peninsular Malaysia. The food samples consisted of 14 types of processed foods and beverages, 8 types of fruits and 10 types ready to eat food. Each type of food and drink were purchased from selected restaurants, stores and supermarkets from three different zones which were North zone (Perak), Central zone (Selangor) and South Zone (Johor). Methods used for proximate analysis were based on the standard methods of AOAC (1997) while the total carbohydrate was calculated by difference method. Total calories were calculated using Atwater method. Total sugar content were analysed using high performace liquid chromatography (HPLC). Dietary fibre contents were determined by using a combination of enzyme-gravimetric methods (AOAC 985.29 and AACC 32-05). The results showed that peanut butter has the highest value of fat (44.75 ± 7.59 g/100 g), total calorie (611 ± 38 kcal /100 g) and dietary fibre contents (8.07 ± 0.98 g/100 g). Highest protein content (21.98 ± 2.57 g/100 g) was found in low-fat milk powder. The highest carbohydrate (97.48 ± 1.47 g/100 g) and total sugar (86.7 ± 2.9 g/100 g) contents were found in palm sugar. The results of this study will update and add up to the data for the Malaysian Food Composition Table and can provide useful information in choosing healthy foods based on the nutrient contents of the food.


Keywords: Dietary fibre; food composition database; macronutrients; sugar



Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan kandungan makronutrien dan gula dalam 30 jenis makanan yang terpilih dari tiga zon di Semenanjung Malaysia. Sampel makanan tersebut adalah terdiri daripada 14 jenis makanan dan minuman terproses, 8 jenis buah-buahan dan 10 jenis makanan sedia dimakan. Setiap jenis makanan dan minuman telah dibeli daripada restoran, gerai dan pasaraya yang terpilih dari tiga zon berbeza iaitu zon Utara (Perak), zon Tengah (Selangor) dan zon Selatan (Johor). Kaedah yang digunakan untuk analisis proksimat adalah berdasarkan kaedah piawai AOAC (1997) manakala jumlah karbohidrat dihitung secara pembezaan. Jumlah kalori pula dihitung menggunakan kaedah Atwater. Penentuan jumlah gula ditentukan dengan menggunakan kromatografi cecair berprestasi tinggi (HPLC). Kandungan serat diet ditentukan melalui kombinasi kaedah enzim-gravimetrik (AACC 32-05 dan AOAC 985.29). Keputusan kajian menunjukkan kandungan lemak (44.75 ± 7.59 g/100 g), jumlah kalori (611 ± 38 kcal/100 g) dan kandungan serat diet (8.07 ± 0.98 g/100 g) yang tertinggi terdapat pada sampel mentega kacang. Kandungan protein yang tertinggi terdapat dalam susu tepung rendah lemak (21.98 ± 2.57 g/100 g). Kandungan karbohidrat (97.48 ± 1.47 g/100 g) dan jumlah gula (86.7 ± 2.9 g/100 g) yang tertinggi terdapat pada sampel gula Melaka. Keputusan kajian ini dapat mengemaskini dan menambah data dalam komposisi zat makanan Malaysia dan dapat memberikan maklumat yang berguna dalam pemilihan makanan yang sihat berdasarkan kandungan nutrien makanan tersebut.


Kata kunci: Gula; makronutrien; pangkalan data komposisi makanan; serat diet


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