Sains Malaysiana 48(12)(2019): 2641–2647


Microbial Decontamination of Peeled Chestnuts by Electrolyzed Water and Its Effect on Biochemical and Sensory Properties

(Penyahlumusan Mikrob Berangan Kupas oleh Air Elektrolisis dan Kesannya terhadap Sifat Biokimia dan Deria)




Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Gachon University, Seongnam 13120, Republic of Korea


Received: 4 June 2019/Accepted: 7 October 2019



The aim of this study was to improve the hygienic quality of peeled chestnuts by electrolyzed water (EW) treatment. Additionally, the effect of the treatment on biochemical and organoleptic properties of chestnuts was assessed. The counts of mesophilic aerobic bacteria (MAB) and yeasts and mold in peeled chestnuts were found to be 8.01 and 7.96 log CFU/g, respectively. Electrolyzed water was produced at four different combinations of brine and deionized water (A, B, C and D; with chlorine levels of 230, 470, 250 and 490 mg/L, respectively). Following treatment for 10 min using EW generated at the combination B (EW-B), the counts of MAB and yeasts and mold in peeled chestnuts were reduced by 1.61 and 1.65 log CFU/g, respectively, compared with distilled water treatment. Although EW-D possessed relatively high chlorine levels, its inactivation effect was found to be reduced after 5 min of treatment. Soluble solids and total phenolic content (TPC) of peeled chestnuts were decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing EW treatment time. However, 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging activity and sensory qualities were insignificantly altered by EW treatment. In conclusion, EW, especially EW-B, can potentially be used to reduce microbial load in peeled chestnuts with no or only minor negative effects on their biochemical and sensory qualities.

Keywords: Decontamination; electrolyzed water; peeled chestnut; sensory properties



Matlamat kajian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualiti kebersihan berangan kupas dengan rawatan air elektrolisis (EW). Selain itu, kesan daripada rawatan biokimia dan sifat organoleptik berangan telah dinilai. Kiraan bakteria mesofili aerobik (MAB) dan kulat serta acuan dalam berangan kupas adalah 8.01 dan 7.96 log CFU/g. Air elektrolisis telah dihasilkan pada empat gabungan berbeza air garam dan air nyahion (A, B, C dan D; dengan paras klorin pada 230, 470, 250 dan 490 mg/L). Rawatan lanjut untuk 10 minit menggunakan EW yang dihasilkan pada gabungan B (EW-B), kiraan MAB dan kulat serta acuan dalam berangan kupas telah dikurangkan sebanyak 1.61 dan 1.65 log CFU/g berbanding dengan rawatan air suling. Walaupun EW-D memiliki tahap klorin yang agak tinggi, kesan pentakaktifan didapati berkurang selepas 5 minit rawatan. Pepejal larut dan jumlah kandungan fenol (TPC) berangan kupas berkurangan dengan ketara (p < 0.05) dengan peningkatan masa rawatan EW. Walau bagaimanapun, aktiviti skaveng radikal bebas dan kualiti deria 2, 2-difenil-1-pikrilterasil telah diubah dengan ketara oleh rawatan EW. Kesimpulannya, EW, terutamanya EW-B, berpotensi digunakan untuk mengurangkan beban mikrob dalam berangan kupas tanpa atau sedikit kesan negatif dalam kualiti biokimia dan deria mereka.

Kata kunci: Air elektrolisis; berangan kupas; penyahlumusan; sifat deria


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