Sains Malaysiana 48(12)(2019): 2737–2747


Automatic Speech Intelligibility Detection for Speakers with Speech Impairments: The Identification of Significant Speech Features

(Pengesanan Kecerdasan Pertuturan Automatik untuk Penutur dengan Ketaksempurnaan Pertuturan: Pengenalpastian Ciri Pertuturan Penting)




1Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 46300 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia


Received: 17 October 2018/Accepted: 2 October 2019



Selection of relevant features is important for discriminating speech in detection based ASR system, thus contributing to the improved performance of the detector. In the context of speech impairments, speech errors can be discriminated from regular speech by adopting the appropriate discriminative speech features with high discriminative ability between the impaired and the control group. However, identification of suitable discriminative speech features for error detection in impaired speech was not well investigated in the literature. Characteristics of impaired speech are grossly different from regular speech, thus making the existing speech features to be less effective in recognizing the impaired speech. To overcome this gap, the speech features of impaired speech based on the prosody, pronunciation and voice quality are analyzed for identifying the significant speech features which are related to the intelligibility deficits. In this research, we investigate the relations of speech impairments due to cerebral palsy, and hearing impairment with the prosody, pronunciation, and voice quality. Later, we identify the relationship of the speech features with the speech intelligibility classification and the significant speech features in improving the discriminative ability of an automatic speech intelligibility detection system. The findings showed that prosody, pronunciation and voice quality features are statistically significant speech features for improving the detection ability of impaired speeches. Voice quality is identified as the best speech features with more discriminative power in detecting speech intelligibility of impaired speech.

Keywords: Automatic speech intelligibility detection; speech detection; speech features; speech impairments



Pemilihan ciri yang relevan untuk membezakan pertuturan dalam sistem ASR berasaskan pengesanan adalah penting kerana menyumbang kepada peningkatan prestasi pengesan. Dalam konteks ketaksempurnaan pertuturan, kesalahan pertuturan boleh didiskriminasi daripada pertuturan biasa dengan menggunakan ciri pertuturan diskriminatif yang bersesuaian dengan keupayaan diskriminatif yang tinggi antara kumpulan terjejas dan kumpulan kawalan. Walau bagaimanapun, pengenalpastian ciri pertuturan diskriminatif yang sesuai untuk pengesanan ralat dalam pertuturan yang terjejas tidak dikaji dengan baik dalam kajian kepustakawan. Ciri pertuturan yang terjejas adalah sangat berbeza daripada pertuturan biasa, dengan itu, menjadikan ciri pertuturan sedia ada kurang berkesan dalam mengenal pasti pertuturan yang terjejas. Untuk mengatasi jurang ini, ciri pertuturan ketaksempurnaan pertuturan berdasarkan prosodi, sebutan dan kualiti suara dianalisis untuk mengenal pasti ciri pertuturan penting yang berkaitan dengan defisit kecerdasan. Dalam penyelidikan ini, kami mengkaji hubungan antara kecacatan pertuturan akibat lumpuh otak dan kecacatan pendengaran dengan prosodi, sebutan dan kualiti suara. Seterusnya, kami mengenal pasti hubungan ciri pertuturan dengan pengelasan kecerdasan pertuturan dan ciri pertuturan yang penting dalam meningkatkan keupayaan diskriminatif sistem pengesanan kecerdasan pertuturan secara automatik. Hasil menunjukkan bahawa ciri prosodi, sebutan dan suara adalah ciri pertuturan yang signifikan secara statistik untuk meningkatkan keupayaan pengesanan pertuturan yang terjejas. Kualiti suara dikenal pasti sebagai ciri pertuturan terbaik dengan kuasa yang lebih diskriminatif dalam mengesan kecerdasan pertuturan yang terjejas.

Kata kunci: Ciri pertuturan; ketaksempurnaan pertuturan; pengesanan kecerdasan pertuturan automatik; pengesanan pertuturan


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