Sains Malaysiana 48(8)(2019): 1627–1633


Effects of Different Nutrient Solutions on the Acclimatisation of in vitro Caladium Plantlets using a Simplified Hydroponic System

(Kesan Larutan Nutrien yang Berbeza pada Pengikliman in vitro Anak Benih Caladium menggunakan Sistem Hidroponik Dipermudah)




College of Horticulture and Gardening, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei 434025, China


Received: 5 December 2018/Accepted: 18 May 2019



An efficient acclimatisation protocol is critical to improve the survival rate and promote growth of in vitro plantlets. Herein, tissue-cultured plantlets of 'Red Flash' caladium (Caladium × hortulanum Birdsey) were treated with deionised water and three nutrient solutions including Japanese garden formula (JG), South China Agriculture University formula B for leafy vegetables (SCAU-B) and Hoagland solution in a simplified hydroponic system under indoor environmental conditions. The results showed that all the plantlets survived after 30 days of hydroponic culture, and the three nutrient solutions showed significant positive effects on the plant growth and the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid, soluble sugar and soluble protein compared to the deionised water treatment. No significant difference was recorded for the other growth parameters except the average leaf number per plantlet among the nutrient solution treatments. For the analysed physiological parameters, the plantlets treated by SCAU-B contained significantly higher content than those of the Hoagland treatment except the protein content. No significant difference was found between the JG and the SCAU-B treatment except the carotenoid content, and between the JG and the Hoagland treatment except the protein content. The plantlets acclimatised in the nutrient solutions also had a good performance when transferred to plastic pots. These results implied that water alone was not capable of maintaining healthy growth of in vitro caladium plantlets, and hydroponics approach using the three nutrient solutions could be a feasible method for acclimatisation of the plantlets.


Keywords: Caladium × hortulanum Birdsey; morphological characteristics; nutrient solution; physiological changes



Protokol pengikliman yang cekap adalah penting untuk meningkatkan kadar kemandirian dan menggalakkan pertumbuhan anak pokok secara in vitro. Dalam kajian ini, anak pokok kultur tisu bagi 'Red Flash' kaladium(Caladium × hortulanum Birdsey) telah dirawat dengan air ternyahion dan tiga larutan nutrien termasuk formula taman Jepun (JG), formula B South China Agriculture untuk sayuran berdaun (SCAU-B) dan Larutan Hoagland dalam sistem hidroponik mudah dalam keadaan persekitaran tertutup. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa semua anak pokok bermandiri selepas 30 hari dalam kultur hidroponik, dan ketiga-tiga larutan nutrien menunjukkan kesan positif yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan tumbuhan dan kandungan klorofila, klorofil b, jumlah klorofil, karotenoid, gula larut dan protein larut berbanding dengan rawatan air ternyahion. Tiada perbezaan yang signifikan direkodkan untuk parameter pertumbuhan lain kecuali bilangan purata daun bagi setiap anak pokok antara rawatan larutan nutrien. Untuk parameter fisiologi yang dianalisis, anak pokok yang dirawat oleh SCAU-B mengandungi kandungan yang lebih tinggi secara signifikan berbanding rawatan Hoagland kecuali kandungan protein. Tiada perbezaan yang signifikan antara rawatan JG dan SCAU-B kecuali kandungan karotenoid, serta antara rawatan JG dan Hoagland kecuali kandungan protein. Anak pokok yang diiklimkan dalam larutan nutrien juga mempunyai prestasi yang baik apabila dipindahkan ke dalam bekas plastik. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa air sahaja tidak dapat mengekalkan pertumbuhan sihat anak pokok kaladium secarain vitro, dan pendekatan hidroponik menggunakan ketiga-tiga larutan nutrien itu boleh menjadi kaedah yang sesuai untuk pengikliman tanaman.


Kata kunci: Caladium × hortulanum Birdsey; ciri morfologi; larutan nutrien; perubahan fisiologi


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