Sains Ma1aysiana 25(1): 1-18 (1996)                                                                                                     Sains Bumi/

                                                                                                                                                                         Earth Sciences


Perlakuan Beberapa Unsur Major dan Unsur Surih dalam Profil Luluhawa Batuan Basalt di Segamat Johor

(Behaviour of major and trace elements in the profile of weathered

basaltic rock in Segamat Johor)



Baba Musta & Mohamad Md. Tan

Jabatan Geologi

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D. E. Malaysia





Batuan basalt yang terluluhawa sepenuhnya telah dicerap di lokaliti PSK Lebuhraya Segamat-Kuantan. Profil luluhawa yang boleh dilihat perubahan daripada batuan segar hingga tanih didapati di lokaliti PKJ Kuari Kg. Jabi. Dua contoh profil dengan masing-masing 12 sampel dan 13 sample tanih telah dikaji untuk menentukan perlakuan beberapa unsur major dan unsur surih batuan basalt yang terluluhawa. Kaedah analisis yang digunakan ialah pendarflour sinar-X (XRF) dan pembelauan sinar-X (XRF). Kajian petrografi pula dibuat pada sampel batuan segar dan sampel konkresi. Nilai unsur major TiO2, Al2O3 dan Fe2O3 bertambah dengan bertambahnya darjah luluhawa manakala SiO2 dan CaO menyusut. Hubungan korelasi Fe2O3 + Al2O3 dengan L.O.I dan Fe2O3 denagn Al2O3 adalah jelas. Unsur surih nikel (Ni) kobalt (Co), kromium (Cr) dan zink (Zn) mempunyai perlakuan yang berbeza-beza dengan luluhawa. Perlakuan yang ditunjukkan oleh unsur major dan surih tersebut dikawal oleh mineral sekunder (koalinit, nakrit, geotit, hematit dan gibsit). 




Highly weathered basaltic rock was exposed at PSK profile of Kuantan, Segamat Highway. The weathering profile from fresh rock soil can be observed at PKJ profile at Kg. Jabi Quarry. Twelve rock and soil samples from PSK profile and thirteen samples from PKJ profile have been collected for geochemical analysis. The objective of the analysis is to establish the behaviour of several major and trace elements in the weathering profile of the basaltic rock. The samples were analysed by XRF and XRD techniques. Petrographic study was done on fresh rock samples and concretions. The concentration of major elements (TiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3) appear to be increased with the increasing of the degree of weathering whereas the concentration of SiO2 and CaO are decreased. There is a clear correlation between Fe2O3 + Al2O3 with L.O.I as well as between Fe2O3 with Al2O3. Behaviour of the trace elements (Ni, Co, Cr and Zn) against the weathering process are totally different. The secondary minerals (kaolinite, nactire, geothite, hematite and gibbsite) appear to control the behaviour of the major and trace elements.





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