Sains Ma1aysiana 25(4) 1996: 111-115                                                            Sains Fizis dan Gunaan/

Physical and Applied Sciences


Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oils of

Xylopia caudata Hook F.E.T. Thoms.


Nor Azah Mohamad Ali & Ibrahim Jantan

Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)

Kepong 52109 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Sri Nurestri Abd. Malek & Zuriati Zakaria

Jabatan Kimia

Fakulti Sains Fizik of Guneau

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43650 UKM Bangi Selangor D.E. Malaysia





The chemical compositions of the leaf and bark oils of Xylopia caudata were examined by co-chromatography with authentic samples on a polar capillary column (PEG 20M) and a non polar capillary column (SE-30), GC/MS and further comparison with Kovats Retention Index. The essential oils were mainly made up of monoterpenoids. The major components in both oils were β-pinene, α-pinene, limonene and a-terpineol which collectively represented 90% and 69% of the leaf and bark oils respectively.




Kandungan kimia minyak pati daun dan kulit kayu Xylopia caudata telah dikaji secara ko-kromatografi dengan sampel tulen di atas turus rerambut polar (PEG 20M) dan turus rerambut kurang polar (SE-30), KG/SJ dan perbandingan dengan Indeks Penahanan Kovats. Sebahagian besar minyak pati tersebut terdiri daripada sebatian monoterpenoid. Komponen utama  yang terdapat dalam kedua-dua minyak pati tersebut adalah β-pinena, α-pinena, limonena dan a-terpineol yang mewakili 90% dan 69% daripada minyak pati daun dan kulit kayu masing-masing.





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