Sains Ma1aysiana 26(3&4) 1997: 31-37                                                                                                Sains Hayat/

                                                                                                                                                                        Life Sciences


Komposisi Proksimat dan Mineral dalam Sosej Ayam

(Proximate and mineral composition in chicken sausages)



Suriah Abdul Rahman. Shamsoul Bahrein, M., Tew Wooh Ah

Aminah Abdullah & A.S. Babji

Jabatan Sains Makanan & Pemakanan

Fakulti Sains Hayat

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E. MALAYSIA





Tiga belas jenis sosej ayam telah dianalisis untuk komposisi proksimat dan kandungan mineral (natrium, kalsium, kalium, fosforus, ferum). Sosej ini ialah sosej formulasi UKM, sosej tempatan dan sosej import. Dari keputusan analisis proksimat, didapati kandungan air berjulat di antara 58.18-71.30g/ 100g, protein 11.4 -16.52 g/100g, lemak 8.19-22.87g/100g, karbohidrat 2.00­-10.2g/100g, abu 1.52-2.99g/100g dan gentian 0.67-2.19g/100g. Apabila dibandingkan di antara tiga kumpulan sosej didapati tiada perbezaan bererti (p<0.05) bagi air, lemak dan karbohidrat sementara kandungan abu dan protein sosej tempatan adalah terendah berbanding sosej formulasi UKM dan import. Manakala bagi kandungan gentian pula, sosej formulasi UKM adalah paling rendah. Secara keseluruhan, purata kandungan mineral natrium dan fosforus didapati paling rendah bagi sosej tempatan manakala kandungan kalsium, kalium dan ferum pula adalah terendah bagi sosej formulasi UKM.




A total of 13 samples of sausages were analyzed for proximate composition and mineral (sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron) content. The sausages were of UKM formulation, local brand and imported brand. Results from proximate analyses indicated water content ranged between 58.18­-71.30g/100g, protein 11.4-16.52g/100g, fat 8.19-22.87g/100g, carbohydrate 2.00-10.2g/100g, ash 1.52-2.99g/100g and fiber 0.69-2. 199/100g. In comparing the three groups of sausages no significant differences were found for water, fat and carbohydrate contents, while the ash and protein contents of the local brand were lower (p<0.05) compared to the other two formula­tions. UKM formulated sausages contain the least fibre. Overall the average values for sodium and phosphorus of local brand sausages were found to be lowest while calcium, potassium and iron were lowest for UKM formulated sausages.




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