Sains Malaysiana 34( I ): 63-72 (2005)


Removal of Toxic Aliphatic Amines by Adsorption

 using Commercial Activated Charcoal

(Penyingkiran Amina Alifalik Teknik dengan Serapan

menggunakan Arang Teraktif Komersial)



Y. Iqbal, N. Ahmad

Department of Chemistry

University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan



Nuclear Institute for Food & Agriculture (NIFA)

Tarnab, Peshawar, Pakistan


S.A. Khan

Pakistan Council of Scientific

& Industrial Research (PCSIR) Labs., Peshawar, Pakistan



National Center of Excellence in Physical Chemistry

Univ. of Peshawar, Pakistan





The present study was to investigate the use of granular activated charcoal (GAC) as a potential material for removal of toxic aliphatic compounds by adsorption. Commercial granular charcoal was degassed at 105°C, 300°C and 800°C for a period of twenty-four hours, which was then used as an adsorbent for the adsorption of methylamine, dimethylamine and trimethylamine from their aqueous solutions at 25°C. The time dependence studies showed that four hours are the optimum time for the maximum adsorption of the alkylamines, irrespective of their nature and concentrations (0.005M & 0.01M). Adsorption was greater from higher concentration than lower concentration of adsorbate solution. Lower adsorption of alkylamines was observed when the charcoal was evacuated at high temperature. The adsorption sequence of alkylamines followed the order dimethylamine > trimethylamine > methylamine. The amount of adsorption using different adsorption isotherm, i.e. Freundlich and Langmuir were evaluated. L-type isotherms were also observed for the adsorption data. Further, the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were found applicable to the adsorption data and the values of the adsorption capacity i.e. "k" and monolayer adsorption capacity "b" were calculated and in agreement with the adsorption patterns.


Keyword: Activated carbon, Aliphatic Amine Absorption





Kajian dilakukan untuk melihat kegunaan arang teraktif granul sebagai bahan berpotensi untuk mengeluarkan sebatian alifatik toksik dengan jerapan. Arang granulat komersial dinyahgas pada 105°C, 300°C dan 800°C untukj angka masa 24 jam dan seterusnya digunakan sebagai penjerap bagi jerapan metilamina, dimetilamina dan trietilamina dari larutan akueus pada 25°C. Kajian kebergantungan masa menunjukkan bahawa masa optimum untuk jerapan maksimum alkil amina ialah 4 jam, tidak kita bentuk dan kepekatan (0.005M & 0.01 M). Pencapaian jerapan adalah lebih tinggi pada kepekatan tinggi dibandingkan dengan larutan jerap berkepekatan rendah. Jerapan rendah oleh alkilamina diperhatikan apabila arang dinyahgas pada suhu tinggi. Susunan jerapan alkilamina diperhatikan apabila arang dinyahgas pada suhu tinggi. Susunan jerapan alkilamina mengikut tertib dimetilamina > trimetilamina > metilamina. Amaun jerapan menggunakan isoterma jerapan berbeza, iaitu Freundlich dan Langmuir telah dinilai Isoterma jenis juga diperhatikan untuk data jerapan. Tambahan pula, isoterma Freundlich dan Langmuir didapati berguna untuk data jerapan dan nilai kapasiti jerapan, iaitu 'k' dan kapasiti jerapan lapisan mono dihitung dan didapati konsisten dengan corak jerapan.


Kata kunci: karbon teraktif, jerapan amina alifatik





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