Sains Malaysiana 37(1): 65-69 (2008)


Coating Gelatinization During Initial Frying Period

As Affected By Temperature

(Pengelatinan salutan semasa tahap awal

Penggorengan oleh pengaruh suhu)



Salma Mohamad Yusop, Mohamad Yusof Maskat,

Wan Aida Wan Mustapha & Aminah Abullah

Food Science Program

School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology

Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia



Received: March 2007 / Accepted: 1 June 2007





Sifat pengelatinan salutan semasa peringkat awal penggorengan pada beberapa suhu yang berbeza telah dikaji. Nuget ayam, sebagai substrat, dicelup ke dalam cecair penyalut dan kemudiannya digoreng pada 150, 165 dan 180oC selama 0, 6, 18 dan 30s. Selepas penggorengan,  bahagian salutan dan substrat dianalisis secara berasingan untuk kandungan lembapan. Bahagian salutan juga dianalisis untuk suhu permulaan (To), puncak (Tp) dan akhir (Te) serta entalpi pengelatinan. Keputusan menunjukkan tiada kesan ketara oleh suhu penggorengan terhadap kandungan lembapan kedua-dua bahagian salutan dan substrat. Tetapi, terdapat pola pengurangan kandungan lembapan dengan peningkatan masa penggorengan sehingga 30s untuk setiap suhu yang dikaji. Tiada kesan ketara oleh suhu penggorengan terhadap To, Tp dan Te. Tetapi, penggorengan pada 180 oC menghasilkan darjah pengelatinan yang lebih tinggi selepas 6s. Peningkatan kadar pengelatinan apabila digoreng pada suhu yang lebih tinggi boleh disebabkan oleh peningkatan kadar perpindahan haba semasa penggorengan.


Kata kunci:  Salutan; penggorengan; pengelatinan; suhu, tepung gandum





The gelatinization properties of coating during initial frying period at different temperatures was studied. Chicken nuggets, as substrate, were immersed in batter and then fried at temperatures of 150, 165 and 180oC for 0, 6, 18 and 30 s. After frying, the coating and substrate were analyzed separately for moisture content. The coating layer was also analyzed for onset (To), peak (Tp) and end (Te) temperatures and gelatinization enthalpy. Results showed no significant effect of frying temperature on the moisture content of both coating and substrate. However, a decreasing trend in moisture content can be noticed with increasing frying period up to 30s for all temperature studied. There were no significant effect of frying temperature on the To, Tp and Te. However, frying at 180 oC produced a higher degree of gelatinization after 6s. The increase in gelatinization rate when fried at a higher temperature may be attributed to the increase in heat transfer rate during frying.


Keywords:  Coating; frying; gelatinization, temperature; wheat flour



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