Sains Malaysiana 40(6)(2011): 543–547


Cyclomorphism in Bosmina longirostris(Crustacea:Cladocera) from Lake Ikeda, Japan

(Siklomorfisme dalam Bosmina longirostris (Crustacea:Cladocera) dari Tasik Ikeda, Jepun)



Shaharudin Abdul Razak*

Institute of Biological Science, Faculty of Science

University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Toshio Saisho

Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Fisheries

Kagoshima University, Shimoarata 4-50-20

Kagoshima City 890, Japan


Diserahkan: 23 November 2009 / Diterima: 1 Oktober 2010




Zooplankton were sampled in Lake Ikeda at a fixed station every month with the aid of a plankton net in order to observe whether cyclomorphism was exhibited by the neonates of Bosmina longirostris. In Lake Ikeda the relative sizes of the antennules and mucrones of B. longrostris neonates decreased in relation to carapace length from 65% in winter to 50% in summer. Mucrone lengths also decreased from 30% in winter to 20% in summer. Both appendages were inversely correlated with surface temperature of the lake. Predation seems to be one of the reasons why neonates of B. longirostris exhibited seasonal cyclomorphism in their antennule and mucrone.


Keywords: Antennules; Bosmina longirostris; cyclomorphism; mucrone; neonate




Zooplankton telah disampel dari Tasik Ikeda pada sebuah stesen tetap setiap bulan dengan menggunakan jaring plankton untuk melihat sama ada neonatB. longirostris mempamerkan siklomorfisme. Pada Tasik Ikeda saiz relatif antenul dan mukron neonat B. longirostris berkurangan berbanding panjang karapas daripada 65% semasa musim sejuk ke 50% semasa musim panas. Panjang mukron juga berkurangan daripada 30% semasa musim sejuk ke 20% semasa musim panas.Kedua-dua apendaj berkadar songsang dengan suhu permukaan tasik. Pemangsaan mungkin salah satu penyebab mengapa neonat B. longirostrismempamerkan siklomorfisme bermusim pada anatenul dan mukronnya.


Kata kunci: Antenul; Bosmina longirostris; mukron; neonat; Siklomorfisme




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