Sains Malaysiana 41(3)(2012): 285–291


Physico-chemical Characteristics of Disturbed Soils Affected by Accumulate of

Different Texture in South Korea

(Pencirian Fisiko-Kimia Tanih Terganggu Akibat Pengumpulan Tekstur

Berbeza di Korea Selatan)



Muhammad Ibrahim*

Department of Environmental Sciences, GC University Faisalabad (38000), Pakistan


Kyung-Hwa Han, Sang-Keun Ha, Yong-Seon Zhang & Seung-Oh Hur

Department of Agricultural Environment, Soil & Fertilizer Management Division

National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS),

Rural Development Administration (RDA)

Suwon (441-707), Republic of Korea


Diserahkan: 30 Mei 2011 / Diterima: 17 Ogos 2011





Anthropogenically disturbed soils have unique properties. In most of the ecosystems, especially under disturbed soil conditions, the soil properties are controlled by the accumulated materials. However, the equilibrium between the already present soil mass and the accumulated soil mass is very fragile and is affected by many factors. There are diversity of views about their identification and interpretations. This paper reports on the physico-chemical properties of the investigated sites under different texture soil accumulate. Three sites namely Chung-nam university field (Site-I), Chung-buk Geosan (Site-II) and Yong-in (Site-III) were investigated for diversity in physico-chemical properties. In situ and ex situ physical and chemical properties were determined and comparisons were made for soil profiles examined at three sites. The classification of disturbed soils largely depends upon the system followed for classification. The objectives of this paper were to compare the properties of the disturbed soils and to classify for further research investigations of such soils. Abrupt change in electrical conductivity at Site-III was recorded ranged between 10.7 dS m–1 and 1.1 dS m–1 below 20 cm depth. Sudden and abrupt changes in infiltration rates at all sites were also calculated. The data suggested that the soil texture of the accumulated soil had also affected the properties of the underlying soil. Apparently, the difference in the properties seems to be the result of overlying soil accumulates with different texture. The disturbed soils need to be studied in detail and groupings be made on the basis of genesis and similarities.


Keywords: Soil accumulates; soil properties; soil texture





Tanih terganggu akibat kegiatan manusia mempunyai sifat-sifat tersendiri. Untuk kebanyakan ekosistem, khususnya keadaan tanih terganggu, sifat tanih dikawal oleh bahan terkumpul. Tetapi keseimbangan di antara jasad tanih sedia ada dan jasad tanih terkumpul adalah rapuh dan dipengaruhi beberapa faktor. Terdapat juga pandangan berbeza tentang penentuan dan penafsirannya. Makalah ini melaporkan pencirian fiziko-kimia tapak-tapak penyiasatan dengan tekstur tanih berbeza terkumpul. Tiga tapak tersebut ialah padang di Universiti Chung-nam (tapak I), Geosan Chung-buk (tapak II) dan Yong-in (tapak III) dan kepelbagaian sifat fiziko-kimia disiasat. Sifat fizis dan kimia in situ dan ex situ ditentukan dan perbandingan di antara tiga tapak siasatan dilakukan. Pengelasan tanih terganggu bergantung juga kepada system pengelasan yang dipakai. Objektif kertas ini ialah perbandingan sifat-sifat tanih terganggu serta pengelasannya untuk penyelidikan seterusnya terhadap tanih-tanih ini. Perubahan mendadak kekonduksian elektrik di tapak III dirakamkan di antara 10.7 dS m–1 dan 1.1 dS m–1 pada kedalaman 20 cm. Perubahan mendadak kadar penyusupan di semua tapak juga ditentukan. Data menunjukkan bahawa tekstur tanih terkumpul juga mempengaruh tanih yang wujud di bawahnya. Perbezaan sifat adalah hasil pengumpulan tanih atas dengan tekstur yang berbeza. Tanih terganggu perlu dikaji secara terperinci dan pengumpulannya perlu dilakukan berdasarkan genesis dan keserupaan.


Kata kunci: Sifat tanih; tanih terkumpul; tekstur tanih






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