Sains Malaysiana 43(10)(2014): 1471–1475


Desiccation Tolerance in Phaleria macrocarpa Embryonic Axes

(Toleransi Terhadap Pengeringan pada Paksi Embrio Phaleria macrocarpa)





1Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


2Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia


3Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 21 September 2013/Diterima: 13 Februari 2014




Phaleria macrocarpa seeds are rapidly killed with desiccation to moisture content (MC) below 20%. Desiccation tolerance of their embryonic axes was studied for storage and germplasm conservation purposes. Embryonic axes were extracted aseptically from fresh seeds obtained from fully ripe fruits in a horizontal laminar air flow cabinet. They were then desiccated under aseptic condition for periods ranging from 0-8 h. For each desiccation treatment, embryonic axes were drawn randomly for the determination of MC according to ISTA, electrolyte leakage and proliferation on Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with 1 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 1 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The results obtained from this study indicated that the embryonic axes could tolerate dehydration down to 13.6% with desiccation for 8 h while retaining relatively high viability of 76.7%. This was supported by only gradual increment of electrolyte leakage with the desiccated embryonic axes. All non-desiccated embryonic axes with MC of 52.5% were capable to grow into normal plantlets in vitro but dehydration to MC of 36.0% and further down to 13.6% generally resulted in callus formation with up to 16.7% of the embryonic axes while at least 60.0% of the other embryonic axes were still capable to proliferate as normal plantlets in vitro.


Keywords: Callus; electrolyte leakage; moisture content; seed; survival



Biji benih Phaleria macrocarpa mati dengan pengeringan ke kandungan kelembapan (MC) di bawah 20%. Ketahanan pengeringan pada paksi embrio dikaji untuk tujuan penyimpanan dan konservasi germplasm. Paksi embrio diekstrak secara aseptik daripada biji benih segar yang diperoleh daripada buah masak dalam kebuk aliran udara laminar. Paksi embrio kemudiannya dikeringkan dalam keadaan aseptik untuk jangka masa 0-8 jam. Untuk setiap rawatan pengeringan, paksi embrio dikeluarkan secara rawak untuk penentuan MC mengikut tatacara ISTA, kebocoran elektrolit dan pertumbuhan di atas media Murashige dan Skoog (MS) yang diperkayakan dengan 1 mg/l 6-benzilaminopurin (BAP) dan 1 mg/l 2,4-diklorofenosiasitik asid (2,4-D). Keputusan yang diperoleh daripada kajian ini menyatakan bahawa paksi embrio dapat bertoleransi terhadap pengeringan ke MC 13.6% dengan pengeringan selama 8 jam sementara masih mengekalkan kemandirian 76.7% yang tinggi. Ini disokong dengan hanya peningkatan kebocoran elektrolit secara perlahan-lahan daripada paksi embrio yang dikeringkan. Semua paksi embrio yang tidak dikeringkan pada MC 52.5% dapat tumbuh kepada planlet yang normal secara in vitro tetapi pengeringan ke MC 36.0% dan seterusnya ke 13.6% telah menyebabkan pembentukan tisu kalus sebanyak 16.7% dengan paksi embrio manakala sekurang-kurangnya 60.0% paksi embrio yang lain masih dapat tumbuh kepada planlet yang normal secara in vitro.


Kata kunci: Biji benih; kalus; kandungan kelembapan; kebocoran elektrolit; kemandirian


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