Sains Malaysiana 43(3)(2014): 451–457


Visco-Hyperelastic Model for Soft Rubber-like Materials

(Model Likat-Hiperkenyal untuk Bahan Lembut seperti Getah)



Williams, J.G. 1980. Stress Analysis of Polymers. London, UK: John Wiley.

Department of Process and Food Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang,

Selangor, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 6 Jun 2013/Diterima: 8 Julai 2013



This paper investigates the application of visco-hyperelastic model to soft rubberlike material, that is gluten. Gluten is a major protein in wheat flour dough (a mixture of flour and water) which exists as long network fibers and undergo large deformation under uniaxial tension and compression. The visco-hyperelastic model is represented by a combination of the viscoelastic Prony series and the hyperelastic extended tube model. Calibration of the visco-hyperelastic model to gluten tests result suggests that gluten can be modelled as a finite viscoelastic material.


Keywords: Extended tube model; gluten; hyperelastic; viscoelastic




Kertas ini mengkaji aplikasi model likat-hiperkenyal kepada bahan lembut seperti getah, iaitu gluten. Gluten ialah protein utama di dalam doh gandum (campuran tepung gandum dan air) yang wujud sebagai rangkaian gentian panjang dan melalui pemanjangan oleh tegangan dan mampatan. Model likat-hiperkenyal tersebut diwakili oleh kombinasi likat kenyal siri Prony dan model hiperkenyal lanjutan tiub. Kalibrasi model likat-hiperkenyal kepada data kajian daripada bahan gluten mencadangkan bahawa gluten boleh dimodelkan sebagai bahan likat kenyal terhingga.


Kata kunci: Gluten; hiperkenyal; likat kenyal; model lanjutan tiub


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