Sains Malaysiana 43(5)(2014): 745–750


Socket Preservation using Acellular Dermal Matrix Allograft in Combination with Xenograft for Dental Implant Placement in Anterior Maxilla: A Case Report

(Pemeliharaan Soket Menggunakan Alocantuman Matriks Dermis Tanpa Sel dalam Gabungan dengan Xenocantum untuk Penempatan Implan Pergigian di Maksila Anterior: Suatu Laporan Kes)






1Unit of Periodontology, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia

16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia


2Ministry of Health, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia


3Department of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


4Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 18 Julai 2012/Diterima: 19 Ogos 2013




The collapse of alveolar ridge following tooth extraction is a physiological process which may complicate subsequent implant placement and restoration especially in the aesthetic zone. This case report describes the use of an acellular dermal matrix graft (Alloderm®, Biohorizon, USA) in combination with bovine bone graft (Bio-Oss®, Geistlich, Switzerland) immediately after tooth extraction for soft and hard tissue augmentation prior to implant placement in the anterior maxilla. The eighth year follow-up demonstrated an acceptable aesthetic outcome indicating that this approach may be employed where tooth extraction is indicated and replacement with implant-supported prosthesis is anticipated particularly in the anterior aesthetic zone region.


Keywords: Bone graft; dental implant; dermal graft; socket preservation



Keruntuhan batas alveolus selepas cabutan gigi adalah proses fisiologi yang boleh memberi kesan untuk perletakan implan dan restorasi terutama di zon aestetik. Laporan kes ini menghuraikan penggunaan tisu gantian matriks dermis tanpa sel (Alloderm®, Biohorizon) digabungkan dengan tulang gantian (Bio-Oss®, Geistlich) di dalam soket sejurus cabutan gigi untuk meninggikan tisu lembut dan tulang sebelum perletakan implan pada bahagian maksila anterior. Penilaian selepas lapan tahun menunjukkan keadaan restorasi yang masih baik, menunjukkan kaedah ini boleh diaplikasikan apabila implan menyokong prostesis dirancang untuk menggantikan gigi yang dicabut terutama di zon estetik.


Kata kunci: Dermis gentian; implan pergigian; pengekalan soket; tulang gentian



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