Sains Malaysiana 43(8)(2014): 1175–1179


Histomorphology of the Lymphoid Tissues of Broiler Chickens in Kelantan, Malaysia

(Histomorfologi Tisu Limfa Ayam Pedaging di Kelantan, Malaysia)



1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Malaysia Kelantan, Locked Bag 36, Pengkalan Chepa

16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia


2Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh


3Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Diserahkan: 4 Mac 2013/Diterima: 22 Oktober 2013



The present research has been designed to understand the histomorphological development of lymphatic tissues of Cobb 500 strains of postnatal broiler chickens, aged between day old and D14 of Kelantan, Malaysia by gross and histological study. In the present study, it was found that the gross weight, length and width of the thymus, bursa of Fabricius and spleen were increased with the advancement of ages of the broiler chickens and was found higher from D14 to D28. Fine septa of connective tissue divide the thymus into lobes and lobules. The cortex of lobule is densely populated with lymphocytes. The bursal follicles were composed of a peripheral cortex which was rich in bursal cells and centrally depopulated medulla. The mucosal folds of the bursa were lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium. The spleen has two compartments, the red and white pulp. The red pulp consisted principally of red blood cells, while the majority of the populations of white pulp were the lymphocytes. The histological mean length and width of the thymic lobules, bursal follicles and white pulp of the spleen were grown faster with the advancement of ages at D14 and D28. In conclusion, the increment of gross and histological parameters of lymphoid organs of broilers in the present study was due to aging of broilers.


Keywords: Broiler; bursa of Fabricius; histomorphology; spleen; thymus



Kajian dasar dan histologi ini telah direka khusus untuk memahami pembangunan histomorfologi tisu limfa ayam pedaging baka Cobb 500 selepas beranak, berumur antara 1 hari hingga 14 hari di Kelantan, Malaysia. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa berat kasar, panjang dan lebar timus, bursa fabricius serta limpa telah bertambah dengan peningkatan umur ayam tersebut dari hari ke 14 ke hari ke 28. Septa halus tisu perantara membahagikan timus kepada cuping dan lobul. Korteks lobul jelas dipenuhi limfosit. Folikel bursal pula terdiri daripada korteks periferal yang kaya dengan sel-sel bursal dan mengosongi tengah medula. Lipatan mukosa bursa dibarisi oleh sel epetelium pseudostratified kolumnar. Limpa mempunyai dua petak, iaitu pulpa merah dan pulpa putih. Pulpa merah terdiri terutamanya daripada sel darah merah, manakala majoriti pulpa putih dipenuhi limfosit. Purata panjang dan lebar lobul thimik, folikel bursal dan pulpa putih limpa berkembang dengan lebih cepat mengikut pertambahan umur. Kesimpulannya, pertambahan parameter kasar dan histologi organ limfa pada ayam pedaging dalam kajian ini adalah disebabkan oleh proses penuaan.


Kata kunci: Ayam pedaging; bursa Fabricius; histomorfologi; limpa; timus




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