
REliability and Safety Engineering and Technology for Large Maritime Engineering Systems (RESET), Horizon 2010 (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016), Euro 162,000, Head, 2017-2021.

Reliability Formulation of Fatigue Life Assessment for Powder-Bed-Laser-Fused Materials, UKM-DIP-2016-011, RM100,000, Head, 2016-2018.


Development of reliability analysis for mixed mode loading, FRGS/2/2013/TK01/UKM/02/5, RM92,000, Head, 2013-2015.

Prediction of Fatigue Behaviour in Nanoscale-Structure, AP-2012-015, RM190,000, Head, 2012-2015


Polarization Mechanism under Mechanical Loading for Corrosion Prevention, ERGS/1/2012/TK01/UKM/01/1, RM80,000, Head, 2012-2015.

New Local-Global Overlay Formulation for Surface Crack Model, FRGS/1/2012/TK01/UKM/01/2, RM39,000, Head, 2012-2014


Boundary Element Analysis of Metal Corrosion using Polarisation Curve, 03-01-02-SF0722, RM192,232, Head, 2011-2013

Constitutive model and characterizations of fatigue fracture for multi scale structures, UKM-DLP-2011-040, RM100,000, Head, 2011-2012


Mechanical Joints reliability Assessment using Theory of Critical Distance, UKM-KK-FRGS0112-2010, (RM44,000), Head, 2010-2012

Fatigue crack growth simulation and safety evaluation of pressure vessel of power plant, MOSTI/BGM/R&D/31, RM98,252, Head, 2011-2012


Inverse Analysis for Corrosion Detection Problem, Sciencefund 02-01-01-SF0257 & Exxonmobil, Head, 2006-2009.

Prediction of Stochastic Fatigue Crack Using Probabilistic Method, Sciencefund 02-01-01-SF0258, Head, 2006-2009


Computer Aided Analysis of Free Piston Linear Generator Engine Development, IRPA 03-02-02-0056-PR0025/04-03 (RM3,130,000) Head, 2002-2004.

Development of Fatigue Life Criteria for Useful Life Prediction of Machine Components, IRPA 09-02-02-0038-EA134 (RM259,000), Head, 2002-2004.