Pusat PERMATA@Pintar Negara, UKM

 Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities

School Holiday Camp

Funded by the Prime Minister’s Department. the school Holiday Camp (PCS) is meant to help students unlock their potential and maximize it.   PCS is offered twice a year, and currently offers 23 interesteing and challenging first year university courses which uncovers hidden talents, and students interests. PCS is an avenue for us to identify potential candidates to be offered admission to Kolej PERMATApintar Negara, UKM, the only school for gifted and talented children in the country thus far.  Students who are between 9 and 15, and have passed both UKM1 and UKM2 tests may be offered to take part in PCS.

Also relevant:

Information about the current PCS program

Ujian UKM1