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Ph.D Alumni

Graduated Ph.D. students. I am grateful to you all for sharing your experience, expertise, and wisdom in your pursuit of a PhD. Sorry that supervisors have to challenged students, to push them further, and to learn more. All of you are amazing people. Thank you.

DR. ANAS W.A ARRAM, Combinatorial Optimization (solving Berth Allocation Problem) using Bird Mating Optimizer Year: 2017, Palestine
DR HANI A.K. IHLAYYEL, Stock Price Prediction Using Sentiment Based Feature Selection, Year: 2017, Palestine
DR. NORLELA SHAMSUDIN,  Immune-Based Feature Selection for Opinion Mining in Mixed Language, Year:2013, Malaysia.
DR. ESAM TAHA YASSEN,  Harmony Search Algorithm For Vehicle RoutingProblem With Time Windows, Year: 2015, Iraq.
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