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I am an Associate Professor at the Geology Programme of School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. I read geology at this University from 1990-1994. Soon after that, I went to Cardiff University in United Kingdom to do my MSc and PhD, both were in Environmental Geology (my PhD thesis was about engineered clay liner).  Currently at The Geology Programme, I teach Environmental Geology, soil mechanics, environmental risk assessment and actively involve in research.

Research interests :
Engineered clay liner (Assessment of soil capability to function as landfill clay liner).
Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) using geological materials to clean-up contaminated sites.
Research on the interaction between heavy metals with active soil components and their mobility in soils.
Research on the attenuation of heavy metals in soils using soil column physical model.
Research on the mobility of pollutants in soil using Geotechnical centrifuge (i.e. centrifuge modeling).
Groundwater pollution in landfills using water quality parameters from boreholes and MODFLOW computer model.
Slope instability and landslides. Interpretation of landslides using aerial photos. My MSc project was about monitoring an active landslide (Bournville landslide) in Wales, United Kingdom. This project was jointly supervised by Howard Siddle from Sir Halcrow Campany in UK.
Research on pollution at ex-mining sites, i.e. the problems that are associated with acid mine drainage and/or acid rock drainage (AMD/ARD).

Address: Geology Programme, School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA.

Location: Room G109 / Geology Building
Telephone: +603 89215390
Fax : +603 89215490
E-mail: yaacobzw@ukm.my
BLOG: geo-environment.blogspot.com
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