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Soft Skills Assessment Based on Undergraduate Student Perception

Hazura Mohamed, Hairulliza Mohammad Judi, Ruzzakiah Jenal


Soft skills are generally interpreted as a person's skill in building good relationships with oneself and others, i.e. what is being said as intrapersonal skills and interpersonal skills. The element of soft skills should be available to an individual to meet the skills of every graduate. However recent statistics from the Ministry of Higher Education in its official website indicate that the number of graduates still unemployed is high. Therefore, this study aims to examine the level of soft skills among students of the Faculty of Technology and Information Science (FTSM) through activities conducted by each special interest group (SIG). There are 11 SIGs with various computing activities. Kirkpatrick's Assessment Model which contains four categories (reactions, learning, behavior and outcomes) is used to measure the achievement level of the soft skills of FTSM students. The results show that the four categories are in good level, with the overall level of FTSM student's soft skills in good category. The Kirkpatrick Assessment Model can be applied in evaluating the performance of a training or its equivalent.


soft skills, Kirkpatrick Assessment Model, reaction, behavior


IT and Society