Financial inclusiveness and economic growth: new evidence using a threshold regression analysis
Journal: Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 02 May 2020, 33:1, pp 1465-1484, Q2 Author(s): Rosmah Nizam, Zulkefly Abdul Karim, Aisyah Abdul Rahman & Tamat Sarmidi Link:
This paper investigates the effect of financial inclusiveness on economic growth in selected developed and developing countries (63 countries) for the years of 2014 and 2017. The level of financial inclusiveness for each country is calculated using a new construction of the financial inclusion index. The role of financial inclusiveness on economic growth is subsequently estimated using a cross-sectional threshold regression technique. The main findings revealed that there is a threshold effect of the financial inclusiveness-growth nexus, which means that financial inclusiveness exhibits a non-monotonic positive relation with economic growth. The positive effect is more pronounced at a high level than in the low level of financial inclusion index. These new findings should motivate policymakers and the banking sector in each country to exert greater effort in raising the level of financial inclusion in stimulating sustainable economic growth.