Submission Preparation Checklist

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Please one-half-spaced all material with Times New Roman, justified and font of 12pt. Please try to adhere to the following format:

 a). Title, authors(s), address(es)

Please provide full name of the authors, full address, contact number and email address of correspoding authors. Example:

 Mohd Mustafizur Rahman, Ahmad Kamal Arifin, Nordin Jamaluddin & Che Hasan Che Haron

Computational and Experimental Mechanics Group

Department of Mechanical & Material Engineering,

Unversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,

43600 UKM Bangi, Malaysia

Phone: + 603 – 8921 6012

Email address :

b). Abstract

The abstract should be clear, descriptive and should provide brief information to the problem. This should generally be followed by a statement regarding the methodology and a brief summary of result. The abstract should end with a comment on the significance of the result or a brief conclusion. Abstract are written preferably from 100 to 200 words. For articles submitted from Malaysia or Indonesia, the abstracts need need to be written in both Bahasa Malaysia and English, whereas for articles submitted from other countries, the abstracts must be written in English.

Keywords: Maximum of five(5) relevant keywords.

c). Introduction

Please provide statement of the problems. Outline of the paper and important findings.

d). Theory (if any).

e). Experimental/ approach/ methods (if any).

f). Results & Discussion.

g). Conclusion.

h). List of symbols.

Please prepare a list if more than 10 symbols are used. Define all symbols.

i). Acknowledgement (if any).

j). Reference.

All publications cited in the text should be included in the reference list. Reference should be listed in alphabetical order according to UKM styles format. Example of references appear in the text (as appeared in the article).

k). Tables

Number of tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Please use Arabic numerals and supply a heading. Tables and their caption should be centered on the page. Place footnotes to the table below the table body and indicate them with superscript lowercase letters. Avoid vertical and horizontal rules (refer eg. below). Be sparing in the use of the tables and ensure that the data presented in the table do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.

l). Figures

Figures are sequentially numbered commencing at Figure 1. and followed by their caption and are placed at the bottom of the figure. Detailed recommendation for figures are as follows:

*Note that if you submit a manuscript with embedded figures you will still be required to submit separate figure files upon submission. Manuscript that do not include separate figure files will be returned to you for correction.

m). Nomenclature, symbols and abbreviation

Only wide used accepted symbols and forms of abbreviations should be used, but always give full expression followed by the abbreviation the first time it appears in the text. Abbreviations and symbols used in the tables and figures should be explained in the legend. The used of symbols in the text should be avoided as much as possible as they disrupt the flow of the sentences as well as the appearance of the typeset page. In no case should a combination of symbols and words be used.

  1. Proofs and reprints

The accepted article will be regarded as final and the files will be processed as such. Proofs are for checking typesetting /editing: only printer errors maybe corrected. No changes in, or addition to the edited manuscript will be accepted.

  1. Authors are required to provide names and email addresses of at least 3 national or international reviewers in their cover letter.

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