Sains Malaysiana 39(6)(2010): 957–962


Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed Ligand Complexes of Caffeine, Adenine and Thiocyanate with Some Transition Metal Ions

(Sintesis dan Pencirian Kompleks Ligan Campuran Kaffein, Adenin dan Tiosianat dengan Beberapa Ion Logam Peralihan)


Shayma A. Shaker* & Yang Farina

School of Chemical Sciences & Food Technology, University Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Sadia Mahmmod & Mohean Eskender

Chemistry Department, Ibn-Alhaitham College of Education, University of Baghdad, Iraq


Received: 5 October 2009 / Accepted: 10 March 2010




An ethanolic solution of caffeine was added to an aqueous solution of metal salts and followed by adding ethanolic solution of adenine and an aqueous solution of potassium thiocyanate to give complexes with general formula [M(CA)2(Ad)X2] where CA is caffeine, Ad is adenine, X is thiocyanate ion and M is Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II). The resulting products were characterized using UV-visible and infrared spectroscopies. Elemental analyses were performed using C, H, N analysis and atomic absorption techniques. The magnetic susceptibility and the conductivity were also measured. The results suggested that the complexes have octahedral geometry.


Keywords: Adenine complexes; caffeine complexes; mixed ligand complexes; thiocyanate complexes




Satu larutan beretanol kafein telah ditambah kepada satu larutan berakueus garam logam. Ini diikuti dengan menambahkan larutan beretanol adenina dan satu larutan akueus kalium tiosianat untuk memberi kompleks dengan formula am [M(CA)2(Ad)X2] dengan CA ialah kafein, Ad ialah adenine, ion X ialah tiosianat dan M=Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) dan Cd(II). Produk yarg terhasil dicirikan menggunakan spektroskopi UL- nampak dan inframerah. Analisis unsur diusahakan menggunakan C, H, N analisis dan teknik penyerapan atom. Kebolehrentanan magnet dan kekonduksian kompleks juga diukur. Keputusan menunjukkan kompleks membentuk geometri oktahedron.


Kata kunci: Kompleks adenine; kompleks kafein; kompleks ligan bercampur; kompleks tiosianat




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