Sains Malaysiana 44(5)(2015): 671–680


Effects of Soil Chemical Properties and Seasonality on Mycorrhizal Status of Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) Planted in Hot Arid Steppe Rangelands

(Kesan daripada Sifat Kimia Tanah dan Keberkitaran Status Mikoriza Pir Deduri

(Opuntia ficus-indica) yang Ditanam di Tanah Banjaran Panas Gersang Steppe)



1Department of Natural and Life Sciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences

University of Tebessa, 12002 Tebessa, Algeria


2Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural and Life Science, University of Badji Mokhtar

23000 Annaba, Algeria


Received: 5 September 2014/Accepted: 13 January 2015



Mycorrhizal fungi are an essential component to consider for better management of soil fertility, particularly in degraded rangelands of drylands. The present article presents a field survey of colonization and intensity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) roots from young (5 years old) and old (more than 20 years) plantations. The results observed were explained by seasonality and edaphic factors. Prickly pear roots showed a mycorrhizal frequency (F%) up to 100% of colonization and a mycorrhizal intensity (M%) that may exceed 70%. According to ANOVAs, both F% and M% varied significantly between Prickly pear plantation ages, but only M% between seasons. The Generalized linear model showed that edaphic factors have no effect on the variation of F%. However the statistical model showed that M% were significantly influenced by active CaCO3, organic matter, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus contents and C/N. Our findings highlight the importance of mycorrhization in rehabilitation programs of degraded rangelands by prickly pear plantations in semiarid and arid lands, particularly during early plant ages and under environmental abiotic stresses such as climate and soil type.


Keywords: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; arid land reclamation; mycorrhization; Opuntia ficus-indica; soil factors; steppe degradation



Kulat Mikoriza adalah komponen penting untuk dipertimbangkan dalam pengurusan kesuburan tanah yang lebih baik, terutamanya di tanah banjaran usang daripada tanah kering. Artikel ini membentangkan kaji selidik lapangan tentang penanaman daripada pengkolonian dan kemantapan kulat arbuskel mikoriza (AMF) akar pir deduri (Opuntia ficus-indica) akar daripada kecil (5 tahun) dan tua (lebih 20 tahun). Keputusan ditunjukkan melalui keberkitaran dan faktor edafik. Akar pir deduri menunjukkan kekerapan mikoriza (F%) sehingga 100% pengkolonian dan keamatan mikoriza (M%) yang boleh melebihi 70%. Menurut ANOVAs, F% dan M% berubah dengan ketara antara usia ladang pir deduri, tetapi M% hanya antara musim. Model linear menyeluruh menunjukkan bahawa faktor edafik tidak mempunyai kesan ke atas perubahan F%. Walau bagaimanapun model statistik menunjukkan bahawa M% dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh CaCO3, sebatian organik, karbon, nitrogen, kandungan fosforus dan C/N. Penemuan kami menekankan betapa pentingnya pemikorizaan dalam program pemulihan tanah banjaran usang di ladang pir deduri dalam tanah separa gersang dan gersang, terutamanya semasa awal musim penanaman dan di bawah tekanan persekitaran abiotik seperti iklim dan jenis tanah.


Kata kunci: Faktor tanah; kulat mikoriza arbuskula; Opuntia ficus-indica; pemikorizaan; steppe usang; tebus guna tanah gersang


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