Sains Malaysiana 45(6)(2016): 915–931


Diversity and DMS(P)-related Genes in Culturable Bacterial Communities in Malaysian Coastal Waters

(Kepelbagaian dan Gen berkaitan-DMS(P) dalam Komuniti Kultur Bakteria di Perairan Pantai Malaysia)




1Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak campus, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak Bumi Kenyalang, Malaysia


2Department of Aquatic Science, Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 93400 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.


3Institute of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Malaya, 16310 Bachok, Kelantan Darul Naim



Received: 7 April 2015/Accepted: 28 December 2015



Little is known about the diversity and roles of microbial communities in the South China Sea, especially the eastern region. This study aimed to expand our knowledge on the diversity of these communities in Malaysian waters, as well as their potential involvement in the breakdown or osmoregulation of dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP). Water samples were collected during local cruises (Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, and Semporna) from the SHIVA expedition and the diversity of bacterial communities were analysed through the isolation and identification of 176 strains of cultured bacteria. The bacteria were further screened for the existence of two key genes (dmdA, dddP) which were involved in competing, enzymatically-mediated DMSP degradation pathways. The composition of bacterial communities in the three areas varied and changes were mirrored in physico-chemical parameters. Riverine input was highest in Kuching, which was mirrored by dominance of potentially pathogenic Vibrio sp., whereas the Kota Kinabalu community was more indicative of an open ocean environment. Isolates obtained from Kota Kinabalu and Semporna showed that the communities in these areas have potential roles in bioremediation, nitrogen fixing and sulphate reduction. Bacteria isolated from Kuching displayed the highest abundance (44%) of both DMSP-degrading genes, while the bacterial community in Kota Kinabalu had the highest percentage (28%) of dmdA gene occurrence and the dddP gene responsible for DMS production was most abundant (33%) within the community in Semporna. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study looking at the diversity of culturable bacteria in coastal waters of East Malaysia and also their potential roles in the DMS(P) cycle.


Keywords: Culturable bacterial communities; dimethylsulphide; dimethylsulphoniopropionate; diversity



Kepelbagaian dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh komuniti mikrob di Laut China Selatan, khususnya di Wilayah Timur, adalah kurang diketahui. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan tentang kepelbagaian komuniti ini di perairan Malaysia, serta potensi penglibatan mereka dalam penguraian atau pengawalan osmosis dimetilsulfoniopropionat (DMSP). Sampel air diperoleh semasa pelayaran tempatan (Kuching, Kota Kinabalu dan Semporna) daripada ekspedisi SHIVA dan kepelbagaian komuniti bakteria telah dianalisis melalui pengasingan dan pengenalpastian 176 strain kultur bakteria. Bakteria ini seterusnya disaring untuk menentukan kehadiran dua gen utama (dmdA, dddP) yang terlibat dalam dua laluan bersaingan degradasi DMSP secara berenzim. Komposisi komuniti bakteria dalam tiga kawasan ini berbeza dan perbezaan ini boleh dilihat dalam parameter fisiko-kimia. Input sungai paling tinggi di Kuching dan ini ditunjukkan melalui dominasi Vibrio sp., yang berpotensi untuk menjadi patogenik, manakala komuniti Kota Kinabalu adalah petunjuk untuk persekitaran lautan terbuka. Bakteria yang diasingkan dari Kota Kinabalu dan Semporna menunjukkan bahawa komuniti dalam dua kawasan ini berpotensi memainkan peranan dalam bioremediasi, pengikatan nitrogen dan penurunan sulfat. Bakteria yang diasingkan dari Kuching menunjukkan kebanyakan tertinggi (44%) untuk kedua-dua gen pengurai DMSP, manakala komuniti bakteria di Kota Kinabalu menunjukkan peratusan tertinggi (28%) kejadian gen dmdA dan gen dddP yang bertanggungjawab untuk pengeluaran DMS adalah paling banyak (33%) dalam komuniti di Semporna. Sepanjang pengetahuan kami, ini merupakan penyelidikan pertama yang melihat kepelbagaian bakteria yang boleh dikultur di perairan pantai Malaysia timur dan juga potensi penglibatan mereka dalam kitaran DMS(P).


Kata kunci: Dimetilsulfida; dimetilsulfoniopropionat; kepelbagaian; komuniti kultur bakteria


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