Sains Malaysiana 41(10)(2012): 1205–1210


Effects of Stocking Density on Survival, Growth and Production of Thai Climbing Perch

(Anabas testudineus) Under Fed Ponds

(Kesan Ketumpatan Penstokan kepada Kemandirian, Pertumbuhan dan Penghasilan Ikan Puyu

Thailand (Anabas testudineus) di Bawah Kolam Ternakan)



Most. Khatune-Jannat1, Mohammad Mustafizur Rahman2,*, Md. Abul Bashar3, Md. Nahid Hasan3, Ferdous Ahamed4 & Md Yeamin Hossain1,4


1Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh


2Kulliyyah of Science, International Islamic University Malaysia

Institute of Oceanography and Maritime Studies, Jalan Istana, Bandar Indera Mahkota, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia


3Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Shrimp Research Station, Bagerhat 9300 Bangladesh


4Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima Universty, 4-50-20 Shimoarata

Kagoshima 890-0056, Japan


Diserahkan: 9 September 2011 /Diterima: 21 Mei 2012




An experiment was carried out in 6 earthen ponds to investigate the effects of stocking density on growth, survival and production of Thai climbing perch (Anabas testudineus). Three stocking densities (treatments) were compared: ponds with 350, 400 and 550 individuals per decimal (0.01 acre). All treatments were randomly assigned and in duplicate. Artificial feed containing 34% crude protein was applied initially 20% of total fish weight per day. Gradually the feeding rate was reduced to 15, 12, 10, 8 and 5% of total fish weight per day. Feeding rates per pond were adjusted fortnightly after weighing minimum 20% of the fish stocked. The duration of the experiment was 90 days. Results showed that all growth parameters were higher in ponds with lower stocking density than the ponds with higher stocking density, while total fish yield was higher in ponds with higher stocking density than in the ponds with lower stocking density. Cost-benefit analysis revealed that all three systems were economically profitable. However, the ponds with a stocking density of 550 individuals per decimal were the most profitable system. More research is still needed to further optimize stocking density of Thai climbing perch in aquaculture ponds. Until then, stocking 550 individuals of Thai climbing perch per decimal will yield a good production to fish farmers in the South and South-East Asian regions.


Keywords: Aquaculture; artificial feed; specific growth rate; survival



Satu uji kaji telah dijalankan dalam kolam bertanah untuk menentukan kesan ketumpatan penstokan ke atas pertumbuhan, kemandirian dan penghasilan ikan puyu Thailand (Anabas testudineus). Tiga ketumpatan penstokan (rawatan) telah dibandingkan: kolam dengan 350, 400 dan 550 individu per perpuluhan (0.01 ekar). Semua rawatan dibuat secara rawak dengan duplikasi. Makanan tiruan yang mengandungi 34% protein kasar sebanyak 20% berat ikan diberikan pada peringkat awal setiap hari. Kadar pemberian makanan dikurang beransur-ansur kepada 15, 12, 10, 8 dan 5% berat ikan setiap hari. Kadar pemberian makanan bagi setiap kolam diselaraskan setiap dua minggu selepas pencatatan berat minimum 20% stok ikan. Jangka masa uji kaji adalah 90 hari. Hasil menunjukkan bahawa semua parameter pertumbuhan lebih tinggi dalam kolam yang mempunyai ketumpatan penstokan yang rendah berbanding dengan kolam yang mempunyai ketumpatan penstokan yang tinggi. Sebaliknya, hasil ikan adalah lebih tinggi dalam kolam yang mempunyai ketumpatan penstokan yang tinggi daripada kolam yang mempunyai ketumpatan penstokan yang rendah. Analisis kos manfaat menunjukkan bahawa ketiga-tiga sistem menunjukkan keuntungan secara ekonomi. Namun, kolam yang mempunyai ketumpatan penstokan 550 individu per perpuluhan adalah sistem yang paling menguntungkan. Kajian lanjutan diperlukan untuk mengoptimumkan ketumpatan penstokan ikan puyu Thailand dalam kolam akuakultur. Sehingga itu, penstokan 550 individu ikan puyu Thailand per perpuluhan didapati memberikan hasil yang baik kepada penternak ikan di kawasan Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara.


Kata kunci: Akuakultur; kadar pertumbuhan spesifik; kemandirian; makanan tiruan


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*Pengarang surat-menyurat; email:


