Sains Malaysiana 46(11)(2017): 2231-2239


Comparative Analysis of Load Responses and Deformation for Crust Composite Foundation and Pile-supported Embankment

(Perbandingan Analisis Respons Beban dan Kecemaran Asas Komposit Kerak dan Embankmen Disokong Longgokan)




1Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China


2Geotechnical Research Institute, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China


Diserahkan: 8 Januari 2017/Diterima: 8 Jun 2017



Ground improvement using artificial crust composite foundation, consisting of stabilization of soft clay and composite foundation, is an effective technique for the treatment of deep soft soil layers under infrastructure embankments. In this study, the load responses and settlement performance of this improvement technique were investigated using two centrifuge model tests to compare the variations of the vertical deformation, pore water pressure, axial force of the piles and tensile stress at the bottom of the artificial crust in the crust composite foundation with those in pile-supported embankment. The results of centrifuge model tests showed that the load responses and settlement performance of artificial crust composite foundation was different from the pile-supported embankment, which displayed mainly that the final middle settlement of crust composite foundation can be reduced by about 15% compared with those of pile-supported embankment with the same length of pile and construction cost. The deformation of the crust with the characteristics of the plate was found based on the change of the tensile stress. Additionally, the excess pore water pressure in the crust composite foundation was lower owing to the stress diffusion effect of the crust during the loading period and the dissipation rate of excess pore water pressure was slower due to lower permeability of the crust at the same loading period. Eventually, the axial force of the middle piles was reduced. At the same time, the boundary stress was functioned with the crust, the axial force of the side piles was improved. The comparison of measured and calculated results was carried out using the stress reduction ratio, the result shows that the bearing capacity of the subsoil in the crust composite was improved.


Keywords: Artificial crust composite foundation; centrifuge model test; pile-supported embankment; soft clay; stabilization



Pembaikan tanah yang menggunakan asas komposit kerak tiruan, terdiri daripada penstabilan tanah liat lembut dan komposit asas, merupakan teknik yang berkesan untuk rawatan tanah lembut lapisan dalam di bawah infrastruktur benteng. Dalam kajian ini, beban tindak balas tindakan dan prestasi penempatan dalam teknik pembaikan ini dikaji menggunakan dua model ujian pengemparan untuk membandingkan perbezaan canggaan menegak, tekanan air liang, daya paksi cerucuk dan tekanan tegangan di bahagian bawah kerak tiruan dalam asas komposit kerak dengan cerucuk disokong benteng. Keputusan ujian model pengemparan menunjukkan bahawa beban tindak balas dan prestasi penempatan asas komposit kerak tiruan adalah berbeza daripada cerucuk disokong benteng, yang memaparkan asas penempatan tengah akhir, asas kerak komposit boleh dikurangkan kira-kira 15% berbanding dengan cerucuk disokong benteng dengan panjang cerucuk serta kos pembinaan yang sama. Canggaan kerak ini dengan ciri plat dijumpai berdasarkan perubahan tekanan tegangan. Di samping itu, tekanan air liang lebihan dalam asas komposit kerak adalah lebih rendah disebabkan kesan penyebaran tekanan kerak pada sepanjang tempoh bebanan dan kadar pelesapan tekanan air liang lebihan adalah lebih perlahan disebabkan oleh kadar resapan kerak yang lebih rendah pada tempoh beban yang sama. Kesimpulannya, daya paksi cerucuk di bahagian telah telah dikurangkan. Pada masa yang sama, tekanan sempadan berfungsi dengan kerak maka daya paksi cerucuk sisi bertambah baik. Perbandingan keputusan yang diukur dan dikira telah dijalankan menggunakan nisbah penurunan tekanan dan keputusan menunjukkan bahawa keupayaan galas tanah bawah dalam komposit kerak adalah bertambah baik.


Kata kunci: Asas komposit kerak tiruan; benteng disokong cerucuk; model ujian pengemparan; penstabilan; tanah liat lembut


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