Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG 17 Indicator
17.2 – Relationships to support the goals
17.2.5 – Collaboration with NGOs for SDGs
UKM collaborate with NGOs to tackle the SDGs through: student volunteering programmes, research programmes, or development of educational resources.
1. Student Volunteering Programmes (Collaborate with ANGKATAN Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (Angkasa))
January 18, 2023 – ANGKATAN Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (ANGKASA) in collaboration with its strategic partner, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) continues the initiative to increase awareness of environmental care among school students through the “Training of Trainers (ToT)” teaching and learning workshop Penghijauan Malaysia: Koperasi Prihatin Sejuta Pokok which was held at UKM Botanical Garden, Bangi. A total of 144 participants from 39 school cooperatives in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Putrajaya and Selangor participated in this workshop which was held for the second time organized by Angkasa and UKM. This program is also organized to complete the mission of Angkasa and the cooperative movement to plant at least one million trees by the end of 2023.
Penghijauan Malaysia: Koperasi Prihatin Sejuta Pokok was launched in July 2022 to support Penghijauan Malaysia agenda. This “Flagship” cooperative social responsibility (CSR) program is a high-impact initiative by Angkasa in collaboration with the Institute of Climate Change, the UKM and the Malaysian Green Foundation aimed at encouraging and increasing the involvement and awareness of more than 15,000 cooperatives with 7.04 million members throughout Malaysia about the role and importance of environmental preservation and conservation to help deal with the effects of climate change. Through the Penghijauan Malaysia: Koperasi Prihatin Sejuta Pokok, Angkasa and UKM have published the Education and Learning module “Sejuta Pokok Segunung Hope” to be used by 2,473 school cooperatives throughout Malaysia with a membership of approximately 1.98 million individual members.
The “Adopt a Tree” campaign is part of Malaysia’s reforestation initiative to support sustainable development and ecosystem restoration. The campaign encourages individuals and organizations to contribute to the preservation of green spaces through tree planting.

2. Research Programmes
- Research program on ‘Initiative for Precision Medicine in Pediatric Cancer Therapy (IMPACT): Improving Survival and Minimizing Late Effects’.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) together with Yayasan Petronas held an exchange of Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to improve the survival rate for pediatric cancer patients at Chancellor Tuanku Muhriz Hospital (HCTM). Through this MoA, the Petronas Foundation donated RM 6,140,000 to carry out the study ‘Initiative for Precision Medicine in Pediatric Cancer Therapy (IMPACT): Improving Survival and Minimizing Late Effects’. Project led by Prof. Grandfather Dr. A. Rahman A. Jamal from UKM’s Institute of Medical Molecular Biology (UMBI) will be implemented through the upgrading of laboratory facilities, the transfer of the latest technology and advanced training for staff at a center with complete and comprehensive facilities. The ceremony was completed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Industry, Alumni & Community Network), Prof. Dato’ Dr. Norazah Mohd Nordin and Petronas Foundation Chief Executive Officer, Shariah Nelly Francis.
- Sime Darby Foundation collaboration with UKM-YSD Chair
Source: https://www.ukm.my/ukm-ysd.susdev/collaboration
Collaborative research initiative between Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Sime Darby under the UKM-YSD Chair for Sustainable Development. UKM provides intellectual and theoretical contributions in research. Offers national and international networks for researchers, access to research funds, foundational research infrastructure, and brings in students and researchers to build capacity.
Through Yayasan Sime Darby and Sime Darby Plantations, the organization provides funding for the Chair and R&D activities. Besides, contributes industry insights and industrial R&D expertise, including networks, infrastructure, and commercialization support. This partnership between UKM and Sime Darby is an excellent example of how academic and industrial collaboration can drive sustainable development, particularly in environmental research and zero waste technology.
- Foundation of Kursi Yayasan Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali (YTI-UKM)
Source: https://www.ukm.my/yti-fepukm/2023-3/
The Memorandum of Agreement between Yayasan Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali Berdaftar and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia was made on December 18th, 2000. The establishment of the YTI Distinguished Chair in UKM, was aimed to enrich the treasure of research and publications in the fields of: investment analysis, investment performance, fund management, demographic analysis of investors, financial and investment planning analysis, which were for the benefit of national development in general.
These are lists of the 2023 YTI-UKM Research Grants under the Kursi Yayasan Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali (YTI-UKM) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia:
- Developing a smes resilience framework amidst climate crisis in malaysia
- The effect of institutional governance and shariah governance on sukuk and bond performance in gcc and southeast asia
- Application of hedging tools to reduce the systemic risk of banks under basel iii regulatory constraints
- Factors affecting islamic unit trust investment intentions: the moderating effect of fintech self-efficacy
- Financial sustainability and firms’ equity return performance in malaysia: new evidence using micro-panel data analysis
- Effect of environmental performance on Small and Midsize Enterprise (SME) access to finance
- Esg performance and companies’ investment efficiency: the role of auditor as moderator
- Multiscale spillover transmission in malaysian investment preferences using dynamic stochastic volatility framework
3. Development of Educational Resources
- Selangor’s Path to a Low Carbon Future: Tree Planting Initiative Along Langat River to Foster Environmental Sustainability
2 February 2023 – The Selangor State Carbon Footprint Reduction Program which was held recently on the banks of the Langat River was held to improve environmental sustainability, especially in the state of Selangor. Themed ‘Planting Trees towards a Low Carbon City’, as many as 120 trees with high carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption capacity such as Barringtonia, Kopsia Arborea, Cerbera Odollam and Diospyros Celebica were planted on the banks of the river.
The one-day program aims to raise awareness among students and the local community about the importance of caring for the environment, the basics of tree planting, plant concepts, tree care and tree types as well as an effort to raise awareness among the community about the importance of environmental preservation. In short, it is a program that emphasizes planning and managing the environment towards sustainable development and higher quality. The proposed implementation of tree planting to conserve the tributaries of the Sungai Langat basin is to reduce the carbon footprint towards a low carbon city. The proposed project is in line with the Malaysian Greening Program through the 100 Million Tree Planting Campaign organized by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA).
Among those who attended the program were Prof. Dato’ Ir. Ts. Dr. Othman A. Karim representing the Friends of Langat River (FoLR), Head of Plant Material Production Branch, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Dr. Siti Salwana Hashim, representative of the Planning and Development Division of Selangor Water Management Board (LUAS), Nor Zamri Sondor, Regional Manager, Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd (IWK), Mohd Lutpee Salleh and Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department of FKAB, Prof. Ts. Dr. Roszilah Hamid. The program is jointly organized by the Malaysian UNESCO National Commission, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FKAB), Civil Engineering Student Club (CIVILENS), Sustainable Urban Transport Research Center (SUTRA), FRIM, LUAS, IWK, Friends of Rivers IWK–Langat and FoLR.
Source: https://www.ukm.my/beritaukm/program-pengurangan-jejak-karbon-tingkatkan-kelestarian-alam-sekitar/
- Kedah State Sustainable Generation Pilot Lowering Plastic Impact on the Environment via 5R Module (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) (LPIE5R) Project
A research group LPIE5R from UKM has conducted a program to encourage recycling with communities in the state of Kedah since the year 2019 mainly involves students and teachers from secondary schools.
This program continues with the second phase that takes place on March 21, 2023 with the Training of Trainers Workshop (ToT) with the Teacher Coordinator of the Plastic Impact Reduction Program on the Environment Through the 5R Module (Reject, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover) LPIE5R Phase 2 (2023) at Purest Hotel, Sungai Petani, Kedah.
The ToT workshop was officiated by the Dean of FKAB, Prof. Ir. Mohd Syuhaimi Ab Rahman. Also present were the General Manager of the Sultanah Bahiyah Foundation; Puan Misbah Dato’ Haji Abdul Hamid, Head of Corporate Communications Department E-Idaman Sdn. Bhd.; Mr. Firdaus Mohd Isa and Assistant Director of TVET, Learning Sector, Kedah State Education Department; Mrs. Wan Nurulhuda Abdul Hamid. Changing behavior is a major challenge. Cultivating awareness not to throw garbage everywhere, collecting used oil waste, reusing and recycling items can not only help to make the earth healthier but also the waste items can be resold and get a profit. Initiatives like this need to continue as a mitigation and adaptation measure against climate change in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Source: https://www.ukm.my/beritaukm/projek-lpie5r-rintis-generasi-lestari-negeri-kedah/
- 100 B40 UKM students receive YBR’s donation to continue their studies
A total of 100 students from the B40 family of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) received Initial Study Assistance (BAP) from Yayasan Bank Rakyat (YBR) amounting to RM100,000 to continue their studies. A member of the YBR Board of Trustees, Syahredzan Johan, said the assistance involved students from semesters one to three at the Diploma and Bachelor’s level with an allocation of RM1,000 each among B40 families. Initiatives to empower the quality of education do not only focus on students, but the learning environment at universities should also be emphasized because with sufficient resources students will be more comfortable and easy to access information.