


Fundamental Grant Faculty Of Medicine UKM

 1) Conditions

  • The maximum grant that can be applied for is RM50, 000.00 per year per principal investigator.
  • The maximum limit for each application is RM30, 000.00 as a principal investigator and the minimum limit is RM100.00.
  • Applications of more than RM15, 000.00 must be presented to the GFFP Evaluation Committee.
  • Research output for completed projects (grant amount of RM15, 000.00 and above) must be attached for each application of more than RM15, 00.
  • The principal investigator should show satisfactory performance for projects that are still active in SMPU.
  • Principal investigator who do not achieve satisfactory performance for a period of 3 years are not allowed to make a new application.
  • Each approval is subject to the decision of the GFFP Evaluation Committee and the Deputy Dean (Research & Innovation) and it is final.

2) Votes and expenditure amendments are allowed up to 3 times only. The application must be made at least within 6 months of the previous application.

3) For research conducted outside Malaysia, expenses outside Malaysia are not funded.

4) Expenses approved under GFFP:

a)     Vot 21000- Travel and Transportation (Perjalanan dan Pengangkutan)

Mileage claims allowed for students only with the purpose of collecting data and attending conferences. The rate is RM0.40/km. Mileage claim can be requested by filling up the travel claim form stating the project code and signed by the supervisor. The total travel claim must not exceed RM 1,000.00

Tuntutan perjalanan yang dibenarkan untuk pelajar sahaja dengan tujuan pengumpulan data dan menghadiri persidangan dalam negara. Kadar tuntutan adalah sebanyak RM0.40/km. Permohonan tuntutan perjalanan yang diluluskan perlu menggunakan borang tuntutan perjalanan yang menyatakan kod projek dan ditandatangan oleh penyelia. Jumlah tuntutan perjalanan adalah tidak melebihi RM 1,000.00

b)     Vot 24000- Rental (Sewaan)

Rental is allowed for space rental, inventory and other item directly related for research.

Sewaan hanya dibenarkan untuk sewa ruang, peralatan dan barangan lain yang terlibat secara langsung dengan penyelidikan.

c)      Vot 27000- Research Supplies and Materials (Bekalan dan Bahan Penyelidikan)

Chemicals and consumable research supplies.

Bahan-bahan kimia dan bekalan penyelidikan pakai habis.

 d)     Vot 29000- Specialty Services (Perkhidmatan Ikhtisas)

1. Treatment and tests involving UKMMC patients dedicated to research. Rates are according to charges approved by UKMMC (charging rate can be referred to Unit Hasil & Taksiran, Jabatan Kewangan, PPUKM). Please state details of the treatment/test.

Rawatan dan ujian yang melibatkan pesakit PPUKM khusus untuk penyelidikan. Permohonan mengikut kadar caj yang diluluskan oleh PPUKM (kadar caj boleh dirujuk di Unit Hasil & Taksiran, Jabatan Kewangan, PPUKM). Perlu perincikan rawatan/ujian yang dijalankan.

2. Token/honorarium to respondents is allowed (rate is maximum RM 25 only per respondents). The total token/honorarium payment must not exceed RM1, 000.00.

Honorarium/token kepada responden adalah dibenarkan (kadar bayaran adalah maksimum RM25 sahaja bagi setiap responden). Jumlah bayaran honorarium/token responden adalah tidak melebihi RM 1, 000.00

 5. Expenses NOT funded under the Peruntukan Fundamental Faculty Grant.

 Terms of Publication for GFFP

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