Sains Malaysiana 39(5)(2010): 775-784


Sifat Terma dan Kerintangan Api Poliuretana Berasaskan Minyak

Isirung Sawit dan Minyak Kacang Soya

(Thermal and Fire Resistant Properties of Palm Kernel Oil and Soybean Oil-Based Polyurethanes)


Wong Chee Sien & Khairiah Haji Badri*

School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology

Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Receives: 14 April 2009 / Accepted: 18 August 2009




Sifat terma dan pembakaran busa poliuretana minyak isirung sawit dan minyak soya dibandingkan. Monoester berkumpulan hujung hidroksil dihasilkan melalui tindak balas minyak isirung sawit (PKO) dan minyak kacang soya (SBO) dengan sebatian polihidrik yang mengandungi dietanolamina/etilena glikol dan mangkin kalium asetat. Tindak balas esterifikasi dan kondensasi ini dijalankan dengan nisbah minyak sayuran kepada sebatian polihidrik adalah 80:20. Monoester ini kemudiannya ditindakbalaskan dengan 2,4-difenilmetana diisosianat untuk menghasilkan poliuretana melalui tindak balas pempolimeran penambahan. Sifat termanya dibandingkan melalui analisis kalorimetri imbasan kebezaan (DSC), analisis termogravimetri (TGA), bom kalorimetri, ujian kestabilan dimensi dan ujian kerintangan api. Busa poliuretana SBO mempunyai nilai entalpi yang rendah daripada busa poliuretana PKO iaitu 7151 kal g-1 berbanding 7223 kal g-1 manakala analisis TGA menunjukkan peratus kehilangan jisim busa poliuretana SBO yang rendah (91.0%) berbanding busa poliuretana PKO (92.3%) dengan suhu kestabilan Tstabil adalah masing-masing 196 dan 198oC. Kadar kebakaran busa poliuretana SBO ialah 0.6-1.2 mm s-1, rendah daripada kadar kebakaran busa poliuretana PKO iaitu 1.1-1.6 mm s-1. Menerusi ujian kestabilan dimensi, didapati nilai pengecutan dan pengembangan busa poliuretana SBO adalah kurang daripada busa poliuretana PKO.


Kata kunci: Entalpi; minyak isirung sawit; minyak kacang soya; poliuretana




Thermal and burning properties of palm kernel oil and soybean oil-based polyurethanes were compared. Monoester with hydroxyl end group was prepared by reacting the palm kernel oil (PKO) and the soybean oil (SBO) with polyhydric compound consisting of diethanolamine/ethylene glycol and potassium acetate as the catalyst. The esterification and condensation reactions were conducted with the ratio of the vegetable oils to the polyhydric compound of 80:20. The monoester was then reacted with 2, 4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate to produce the polyurethane via addition polymerization. The thermal properties were compared through differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis, thermogravimetry (TGA) analysis, bomb calorimetry, dimensional stability test and fire retarding test. SBO-based polyurethane foam had lower entalphy then the PKO-based polyurethane foam with values of 7151 cal g-1 comapred to 7223 cal g-1. Similarly, the TGA analysis indicated that the percentage of weight loss of the former was also lower (91.0%) then the latter (92.3%) with stable temperatures, Tstable at 196 and 198 oC, respectively. The burning rate of the SBO-based polyurethane foam was 0.6-1.2 mm¥s-1, lower then the PKO-based polyurethane foam which was 1.1-1.6 mm s-1. However, the dimensional stability test showed that the shrinkage and expansion values were lesser for the SBO-based polyurethane foam compared to the PKO-based polyurethane.


Keywords: Entalphy; palm kernel oil; polyurethane; soybean oil




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