Sains Malaysiana 41(9)(2012): 1171–1176



Reliability Analisis of Examination Questions in a Mathematics Course Using

Rasch Measurement Model

(Analisis Keupayaan Soalan Peperiksaan Kursus Matematik Menggunakan

Model Pengukuran Rasch)

Zulkifli Mohd Nopiah*, Mohd Helmi Jamalluddin, Nur Arzilah Ismail Haliza Othman,  Izamarlina Asshaari & Mohd Hanif Osman

Centre for Engineering Education Research & Unit of Fundamental Engineering Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Received: 25 May 2011 / Accepted: 21 May 2012



Students’ performance cannot be based solely on their ability to answer questions. The accuracy of the exam questions must also be considered when measuring the outcome of the course. The objective of this paper was to study the reliability of a question and its impact on students’ performance. A well-constructed question should be commensurate with the level of the intended knowledge. In this study, results from a linear algebra examination were analysed using the Rasch Model. The Rasch Model was used to analyse the reliability, non-redundancy and suitability of exam questions. The results showed that, in this particular case, the linear algebra questions were correctly constructed without any redundancy and suitable for the intended students.


Keywords: Bloom’s taxonomy; item redundant; misfit item; person-item distribution; Rasch model



Prestasi pelajar tidak hanya bergantung kepada keupayaan pelajar menjawab soalan peperiksaan. Prestasi pelajar juga bergantung kepada kesesuaian soalan peperiksaan dalam mengukur hasil kursus pembelajaran. Oleh yang demikian, objektif kertas kerja ini ialah untuk mengenal pasti keupayaan soalan dan impaknya kepada prestasi pelajar. Soalan yang baik seharusnya merangkumi aspek tahap pengetahuan yang dikehendaki. Di dalam kajian ini, keputusan peperiksaan algebra linear dianalisis menggunakan Model Rasch. Model Rasch digunakan untuk mengkaji keupayaan, pertindihan dan kesesuaian soalan. Bagi kajian ini, hasil keputusan menunjukkan soalan algebra linear yang digunakan adalah bersesuaian tanpa menghasilkan pertindihan soalan dan memenuhi objektif pengajaran kursus tersebut.


Kata kunci: Item berulang; item ketidakpadanan; model Rasch; taburan person-item; taksonomi bloom


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