Sains Malaysiana 46(2)(2017): 239–244


Protein-Sparing Ability of Carbohydrates from Different Sources in Diets for Fry of Stinging Catfish Heteropneustes fossilis

(Keupayaan Jimat Protein Karbohidrat daripada Sumber Berbeza dalam Diet untuk Anak Keli Stinging Heteropneustes fossilis)



1Department of Genetics & Fish Breeding, Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman Agricultural University, Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh


2Department of Genetics & Fish Breeding, Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman Agricultural University, Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh


3Department of Fisheries Management, Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman Agricultural University

Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh


4Department of Fisheries Biology and Aquatic Environment, Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman Agricultural University, Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh


5Department of Aquaculture, Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman Agricultural University

Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh


Received: 6 December 2015/Accepted: 10 May 2016



The experiments were carried out to evaluate the protein-sparing effect in Heteropneustes fossilis fry (0.751 ± 0.01 g) fed for 90 days with six isocaloric diets containing 45, 40 or 35% of casein-protein and 25, 30 or 35% of glucose/dextrin, combined properly as the work purpose. The highest weight gain was recorded in fry fed with 35% dextrin and 35% crude protein level. Interestingly, the value of SGR (2.950±0.017) and PER (1.793±0.03) were significantly (p<0.05) increased with reducing protein level from 45 to 35% and with increasing carbohydrate level from 25% to 35%, respectively. However, the poorest growth was recorded in the fry fed with glucose containing diets than dextrin-containing diets. Protein deposition was significantly (p<0.05) lower in fry fed with the glucose diets at the protein level of 45% than those fed with 40 or 35%, indicating that H. fossilis utilize dextrin easily than glucose. Increase of dextrin content from 35 to 45% did not reduce (p<0.05) the weight gain, even reducing the dietary protein from 45 to 35%. This fact suggests that carbohydrate spare protein by using dextrin as energy source.


Keywords: Dextrin; glucose; nutrition; Heteropneustes fossilis; sparing effect



Kajian telah dijalankan untuk menilai kesan jimat protein dalam pemakanan anak ikan Heteropneustes fossilis (0.751 ± 0.01 g) selama 90 hari dengan enam diet isokalori yang mengandungi 45, 40 atau 35% daripada protein kasein dan 25, 30 atau 35% daripada glukosa/dekstrin, digabungkan dengan betul sebagai tujuan kerja. Kenaikan berat badan tertinggi direkodkan dalam pemakanan anak ikan dengan tahap 35% dekstrin dan 35% protein kasar. Menariknya, nilai SGR (2.950±0.017) dan PER (1.793±0.03) masing-masing meningkat secara bererti (p<0.05) dengan pengurangan tahap protein daripada 45 kepada 35% dan peningkatan tahap karbohidrat daripada 25 kepada 35%. Walau bagaimanapun, pertumbuhan lemah direkod untuk pemakanan anak ikan dengan diet yang mengandungi glukosa daripada diet yang mengandungi dekstrin. Pemendapan protein adalah ketara lebih rendah (p<0.05) dalam anak ikan yang diberi makan dengan diet glukosa pada tahap protein 45% berbanding 40% atau 35% yang menunjukkan bahawa H. fossilis menggunakan dekstrin lebih mudah berbanding glukosa. Peningkatan kandungan dekstrin daripada 35 kepada 45% pula tidak mengurangkan (p<0.05) pertambahan berat badan, malah mengurangkan diet protein daripada 45 kepada 35%. Fakta ini menunjukkan bahawa karbohidrat jimat protein dengan menggunakan dekstrin sebagai sumber tenaga.


Kata kunci: Dekstrin; glukosa pemakanan; Heteropneustes fossilis; kesan jimat


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