Sains Malaysiana 50(1)(2021): 181-189


The Anticancer Compound Dolichol from Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora mucronata Leaves Regulates Gene Expressions in WiDr Colon Cancer

(Sebatian Anti-kanser Dolikol daripada Daun Ceriops tagal dan Rhizophora mucronatauntuk Mengawal Pengekspresan Gen Sel Kanser Kolon WiDr)




1Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia


2Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia


3Center of Excellence for Mangrove, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia


4Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia


Received: 16 February 2020/Accepted: 22 June 2020



Mangrove plants produce polyisoprenoid alcohol. The polyisoprenoid consists of polyprenol and dolichol, which in pharmacological activity act as anticancer agents. The major polyisoprenoid compound of mangrove plants Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora mucronata was reported as dolichol. The present study was conducted to examine the anticancer effects of dolichol from C. tagal and R. mucronata leaves on WiDr cells and cell cycle-related cancer for 24 h and to evaluate the regulation of five genes, p53, EGFR, PI3K, Akt, and mTOR. The inhibited cell cycle was analysed by flow cytometry and the gene expression of p53, EGFR, PI3K, Akt, and mTOR was determined using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method. Dolichol from C. tagal was more effective than that from R. mucronata, where it worked on the G0/G1 cycle for 87.94% and 82.36%, respectively, and regulated positive control 5-FU on the G0/G1 cycle (88.12%), S (9.52%) and G2-M (6.42%). The upregulation (p53) and downregulation (EGFR) contributed to the contracting cell cycle of colon cancer cells (WiDr) in PI3K, Akt and mTOR genes. To summarise, the current study suggests significant pharmacological properties of dolichols in C. tagal and R. mucronata leaves, which worked explicitly in the G0/G1 phase.


Keywords: Anticancer; Ceriops tagal; mangrove; polyisoprenoid; Rhizophora mucronata



Tumbuhan bakau menghasilkan alkohol poliisoprenoid. Poliisoprenoid terdiri daripada poliprenol dan dolikol yang bertindak sebagai agen anti-kanser dalam aktiviti farmakologi. Dolikol telah didapati sebagai sebatian poliisoprenoid utama dalam tanaman bakau Ceriops tagal dan Rhizophora mucronata. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan anti-kanser dolikol daripada daun C. tagal dan R. mucronata pada sel WiDr dan kanser yang berkaitan dengan kitaran sel selama 24 jam untuk menilai pengawalan lima gen, p53, EGFR, PI3K, Akt dan mTOR. Kitaran sel yang direncat telah dianalisis dengan sitometri aliran dan pengekspresan gen p53, EGFR, PI3K, Akt dan mTOR ditentukan menggunakan kaedah tindak balas polimerase berantai transkripsi berbalik (RT-PCR). Dolikol daripada C. tagal lebih berkesan daripada R. mucronata, kerana ia bertindak balas pada kitaran G0/G1, masing-masing dengan 87.94% dan 82.36% keberkesanan serta mengatur kawalan positif 5-FU pada kitaran G0/G1 (88.12%), S (9.52%) dan G2-M (6.42%). Pengawalan-atas (p53) dan pengawalan-bawah (EGFR) menyumbang kepada pengurangan kitaran sel barah kolon (WiDr) pada gen PI3K, Akt dan mTOR. Sebagai kesimpulan, kajian semasa menunjukkan sifat farmakologi dolikol yang signifikan pada daun C. tagal dan R. mucronata, yang berfungsi secara berkesan dalam fasa G0/G1.


Kata kunci: Anti-kanser; bakau; Ceriops tagal; poliisoprenoid; Rhizophora mucronata



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